Traditions Pursuit XLT?
7/31/06 12:04am
hey guys im just wondering if any of you have shot this. if you did can you tell me how it shot and the good and the bad of this gun.thanks :)
I will be Hunting Elk with it this year near Logan Utah.
This is what I use !!
This is a 4 shot group at 70 yards .I used a gun Vise to see what the gun and load would do !!!!.
We went to Kodiak Island Alaska to visit our daughter and grand kids and a little fly fishing. =D> Boy Alaska sure can spoil a person!! :thumb Did not see any Brown Bear but sure did see a lot of tracks. With Deer season almost here and Elk just around the Corner , my son and I have been doing some scouting the last week. The fall colors are starting to show their beauty.
Take Care.
Cody looking for some Mule Deer Here in Utah.
Brown Bear Tracks on Kodaik Island.
And Some Awsome Alaska Fly Fishing !!!!
:thumb :thumb
And the Best Photo Dallin my Grandson with a Salmon on his Snoopy pole !! =D> =D>
And I have been training this little guy!! :thumb
UtahRob, glad to have you back always enjoy your pictures!
Man those salmon are huge. When one of those bears chews your leg off all you will have to do is freeze one of those buggers up and use it as a peg leg. :-k
We returned home with 50lbs of Halibut and Smoked Salmon.
I wish I brought back 50 lbs of just smoked Salmon . We smoked it in Brown Sugar ,Salt ,pepper and Garlic. GOOOOD stuff.