Trail cam advice

i want to buy a trail cam, i have never used one before. so i guess i need some input on what kind to buy and what to look for. any advice would be great
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Dude, Moultrie all the way! Honestly for the price, picture quality and durability, they can't be beat! I have had mine now for 2 years and it works great. You will love it. Just my 2 cents.
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This discussion has come up many times over the last 1.5 years or so since I've been on the board. I think any will do. I use a 2.0 Wildview. You can look up my handle and see some of the pics I get. I think it's more of how you place it as opposed to what you place. They always show the "shutter speed comparison commmercial" on Vs. channel and I always laugh because if you place it dumb enough to have to get a shutter speed that fast, then you deserve to get ripped off by the high prices (aim it down the trial, not across the trail.).

My 2 cents
"rezstyle" wrote:This discussion has come up many times over the last 1.5 years or so since I've been on the board. I think any will do. I use a 2.0 Wildview. You can look up my handle and see some of the pics I get. I think it's more of how you place it as opposed to what you place. They always show the "shutter speed comparison commmercial" on Vs. channel and I always laugh because if you place it dumb enough to have to get a shutter speed that fast, then you deserve to get ripped off by the high prices (aim it down the trial, not across the trail.).

My 2 cents
+my 2 cents
=4 cents
I like to build my own from kits, but it's not for everybody. :)
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thanx everyone for the input. i used to do all my scouting up in the woods by my self, but being married and having a baby now i just dont have time, so i figure a trail cam will be a good investment.
I have 2 Moultrie Game Spy I40 ($200) with a 1 or 2 gb scan disk memory card. My first one has been in the field a little over 2 months and only down to 72% battery life on original 6 D cells. Battery life was a major consideration for me as I can only check them every 2-3 weeks.
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"kaibabhunter" wrote:I have 2 Moultrie Game Spy I40 ($200) with a 1 or 2 gb scan disk memory card. My first one has been in the field a little over 2 months and only down to 72% battery life on original 6 D cells. Battery life was a major consideration for me as I can only check them every 2-3 weeks.
Ok Kaibab, way to make me back track here. My wildview only lasts about 2 weeks on 6 C batteries. I'm sure it has something to do with me putting it on high resolution, 3 frames at a time, and getting roughly 400-500 pictures if the dang elk don't turn it around. I will note it would be nice to have all the little information labled on some of the pictures from cams like the temperature and everything, but I'm not that good of hunter and i wouldn't use it anyways....but I could still say "hey, my pics have temps on em".
I set mine to low res (not looking for wall hanging quality pics, just want to see deer) with auto 2 shots. I takes one pic (motion activated) and then 13 seconds later automatically takes a second pic the resets for 60 seconds and only shoots again if motion activated. The battery life is sweet and was an important buying decision for me. It posts all the time, temp, etc. features at the bottom of each image. A 2 gb card holds 10,000 images at these settings and a 1 gb = 5,000! I had 2,338 pics on my last check on one because some grass/branches blew down in front of it about 3 feet - so it basically ran its cycle every minute for 2 weeks. Took 20 minutes just to go through all of them.