Trail Cam Post - Home Brew

by Brett Wilson How To Build a "Home Brew" Trail Cam Post A. Parts needed: -The YARDGARD 3 in. x 2-1/2 in. x 5 ft. Galvanized Steel U-Channel Post ($5.24 from Home Depot)
  • Made of galvanized steel
  • Green powder-coated finish
  • U-channel construction for strength with riveted anchor spade
  • Easily installed with a few taps of a hammer
-CrownBolt - Machine Screws (1/4"- 20 x 2") -Wood Plague for backing (5 1/2" x 9") -Wood Sealer -Bungie Strap (small) Tools needed: -Skill Saw -Drill -Drill Bit -Hammer -Forstner Bit Total Cost: -$10.00 Dollars or less B. Building Pretty simple to build, I cut my board to 5 1/2" x 9" dimensions (this should fit most trail cams).  I drilled my 2 holes in the trail cam board to match the holes that are already pre-drilled in the trail cam post I bought from Hope Depot.  I also drilled 1/4" deep into the wood with a forstner bit so that my screws would sink down with the level of the wood board (don't want them sticking or protruding out). I then coated my wood boards with a water sealant.  I've used a couple different types to do this and both have worked great.  If you don't use the water sealant then the rain and then heat will split the board.  Eventually the board will split in haft vertically straight down the middle and be useless.  Any type of wood should work, this is solid oak on this particular build. I've made my boards so that they will now last forever essentially.  Drop your bolts through the holes and attach them snug with the supplied nuts.  Could use Locktite to keep them from working loose if you choose.  Once the board is attached to the post you shouldn't have to ever remove it if all goes well.  I installed my board in the top 2 holes in the post (basically put it as high as possible), remember this is a 5 foot post so it's not very tall. I then attach my trail cam with a small bungee cord, it's a 9" cord I believe.  Remember I have built my own home brew trail cams, so these bungee cords fit through my holes to lock my trail cam perfect  (see attached images).  You'll also notice that I have drilled 2 holes on either side of my trail cam board, this prevents the trail cam from sliding down on the board.  I simple attach the hooks together on the back or attach them to the supplied hook that is already on the post on the back (see attached images). Walla your done!  It's that easy, now go find a good spot and pound in your post and wait for game to show up. C. Why "Home Brew" Post? So the question is why the heck would you want to make a post, when I can use a tree etc?  Well I've been using trail cams for years and there simply isn't always a good tree, post, etc. to place my camera on.  It was starting to drive me nuts looking for a good tree etc., so I decided to build by own "tree" or post if you will. This allows me to place my camera virtually ANYWHERE.  I absolutely love it.  It saves me time, energy, and effort once my posts are built.  Of course I have to carry my posts, but they are relatively light weight and easy to pack around. So what's the downside to the posts? Probably you've figured it out by now.  It would be fairly easy to steal them, guess one could really get crazy and cement the post in the ground to help with theft (never done that).  But most trail cams are easily stolen if someone really wants it gone.  So I guess it's up to the user to determine if the post is worth the risk to them.  Maybe use it on private property where it won't get stolen or in a far out place where hopefully no one ever finds it.  Best of luck, I've built several of these posts and have gotten some awesome pictures with them. They give me more versatility as to where I can place my cam, like in a sagebrush flat...hint hint.  :) Image Gallery (click to enlarge) [gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="36971,36972,36957,36958,36959,36960,36961,36962,36963,36964,36965,36966,36967,36968,36969,36970" orderby="rand"] Other How To's of Interest: Trail Cam Tips & Tricks Building a Home Brew Trail Cam