trail cam reviews??
8/15/11 11:34am
I am need of a great trail camera that actually takes pictures. I have tried wildgame, moutrie, bushnell...etc. All of them work pretty decent but its very frustrating when they miss crucial pictures. The batteries never last...Im tired of it. time to spend some cash...any suggestions would be great...dont want to spend 500 bucks on a reconyx though. thats nuts
It costs 200-230 bucks though.
I have used trail cams for years. The best cams I have ever owned are the old Cam Trakker brand 35mm. Always worked and took great pics. I have piles of them to prove it. They make digital ones now but cost a lot.
I have had pretty good luck with Cuddieback and the little Bushnell now. I left my Bushnell out all year last year on the same 8 2AA batteries!
I am thinking of investing in another Cam Trakker. I have never built my own. Might be a great idea. It obviously works well for Brett!
hope it helps