Trail cam setup tips?

I will be setting up my first trail cam hopefully this weekend. What are some tips that you can give a noobie for seting up a cam that will get me the best results. IE... does it matter direction it faces, how high up in the tree? How long should I leave it there? Thanks.
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From my experience with them I try to put them on a well traveled trail, water source, or food source..Kinda self explanitory the reasons..... I try if at all possible to have the cam point north. This will help in the cam not picking up movements from the sun and shadows as much and wasting pics. Make sure too cut away branches that may sway back in forth in front of the cam to avoid pics of the wind blowing the branches. Most cams I put up are around 4-5 feet up on the tree. Pretty much at that height you pick up the ground yet it seems to pick up the movement fast at that height.

Anything else you have questions on dont hesitate to ask. We have 5 cams out already this year and this weekend are going to go add 3 more. Hope to get some pics up soon from them...