Trail Cam Tips & Tricks - HOW TO
1/25/12 5:02pm
Hope someone finds this useful...(I've built several trail cams and have been using them for several years now, a few things I like and
have learned in this "HOW TO"
(images in article can be clicked to enlarge)
If you have comments, suggestions, or ideas also PLEASE add comments to the article.
have learned in this "HOW TO"
(images in article can be clicked to enlarge)
If you have comments, suggestions, or ideas also PLEASE add comments to the article.
I went two full years without getting a picture of anything with antlers, and by doing many of the things that you've outlined there I've been able to turn that around.
In contrast to the recommendations to place your camera at eye level for deer. I have actually found that I get very good pics when I place my camera high (8 ft plus) and aim it down at the trail. I have found that it gives my camera just that little extra bit of time to "wake up" and it allows me to leave it up for very extended periods of time as the brush gets higher & higher. This series of pics illustrates that, this camera was in the same spot for almost 5 months (look at how much the brush grew in just 1 week! - pic 1 vs 2).
How long do you like to leave your cams out? And how much should we worry about scent control when placing trail cams? Will scent on the device itself, or on the trail coming and going from the location, also spook mule deer significantly during the time the cam is left there?