Trail Camera Etiquette

I just wanted everyone's opinion regarding trail camera etiquette. If you find somebody else's camera, is it okay to open it and look at the pictures (if you happen to have a camera with you with an image viewer) or do you just walk away? What do you do when you stumble across someone elses camera? I know the people on this site are honest and I'm not talking about stealing or damaging a camera. I have been talking with a friend who when he finds somebody's camera he always checks it. I'm just curious what everyone thinks about it.
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sorry that is just how I roll.....
If its legally placed and not on your property keep your hands off it,on the other hand if you find them illegally placed on your private property you just got yourself a new trailcam.
I suppose checking the cam isn't the worst thing in the world, but do I agree with that? NO

Would I do it? NO

Would I be tempted? Maybe... :) But would resist.

Leave them alone if they aren't yours, plain and simple.
"MuleyMadness" wrote: Leave them alone if they aren't yours, plain and simple.
I agree here. Elko, would you want someone opening up your cam if they found it? Hehehe, it would be just my luck that I would end up busting it somehow and I'd feel pretty horrible about that.
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I agree, if its not mine I'm leaving it alone.
I have come across 3 trail cam on public land, and I gave the owner the respect I hope I would get if anyone happens upon one of mine. I do wavy and give a big smile. :)

I do lock my camers up and lock them to the tree, so if someone wanted to open it they would have to break the case to do so. :>/
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I agree about not touching the cams, but I also agree with earlymorning, especially if it's someone I know.
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I would say leave it alone. Thats just what I would want somebody to do if they happened to find my trail cam. I put a python lock around the front of my cam and around the tree so that nobody can get into it or steel the camera unless they just want to break the camera. I also put branches around it to help camoflauge it to help make the camera not stand out like a sore thumb.
The Ox
i try to find the most remote and farthest areas away from common traveled areas by humans. never ahd a human on mine yet. now ill jinx myself and prob have some next time i check it but hopefully they leaveit alone!. i wouldnt check someone elses, however id rather them check it than take it so if it keeps them from stealing it i wouldnt be as mad.
If someone goes to the work of hiking in and placing a camera, the info is privilidged. They put the effort in the photos on that cam should be theirs and theirs alone. If they want to share the pics great, but it should be their discretion. If they were to get a 390" bull on the cam it should be their reward for the effort they put in and their secret. I say if it's not yours don't touch it. I do agree with Nonya on the whole if it's on your posted land it's now yours.
Yep, dont touch my cam. I had one stolen last year, and its no fun! I thought about putting my email address on it, and if someone wanted to see the pics, i'd email them some, just so long as they dont touch my stuff!
i've always made it a pain in the butt hanging my cams[ which i haven't set them out at all this year ](*,) ]

i take tree steps, and climb real high in the tree. and point it down. chances of them seeing it up there are slim, and if they did they would have to take an extra trip to get steps to get to it.

but it's has to be a pretty good size tree, the smaller ones sway to much back and forth, making the camera take false pictures.
mapleton archer
dont touch it.
As much effort as I put into minimizing my scent, I would hope that people would just smile for the camera.
It has a Python lock and a code to turn the camera on so they wouldn't be able to look at anything anyway.
If possible, leave a note to contact you with your info so you can discuss their intentions. Maybe they will just be there for a cow hunt and if you have a LE tag you may be able to share info and never run across one another's trail.
Tree Killer
I'd never mess with anybodies trailcam, even just to look at their card. I've had trailcam stolen and I know how pissed it made me, so I try to give somebody else the respect I hope they would give me.

I just read on a local hunting forum where a guy had 3 trailcams ripped off last week here in Oregon. :lame
"Tree Killer" I try to give somebody else the respect I hope they would give me.

I just read on a local hunting forum where a guy had 3 trailcams ripped off last week here in Oregon.
That is LAME! I hate thieves, they're just as bad as liar's IMO! Its too bad you guys are having so much theft of Tcam's in Oregon.
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I say dont touch. If your that desperate to get photos put up your own or leave a polite note of some kind with a way to get a hold of the owner to maybe swap info. I went up corner to check mine today and one of mine was gone! im gonna have to start locking mine up.
If its legally placed and not on your property keep your hands off it,on the other hand if you find them illegally placed on your private property you just got yourself a new trailcam.
I just had a friend telling me about the problems he encountered on their farm in Nebraska were people have been sneaking into their property and placing trailcams and trees stands.

Well I guess there his now :))

As far as public land goes, I dont know why anyone would feel it was ok to touch some one else's stuff, if your curious to know what is in the area put up your own trail camera? ](*,)

I would not touch a persons trail cam but I might shoot a moon! fatrooster.
"fatrooster" wrote:I would not touch a persons trail cam but I might shoot a moon! fatrooster.
Haha ya I'm sure that would be fine! Haha