Trail Camera's
2/1/06 11:22am
I just finshed putting two more trail camera's together i hope to take them out into the bush this week and trying them out. The one on the left is a Olympus D-370 and the on the right is a Olympus D-360L. " alt="" /> " alt="" />

I have 2 of the homebrew D-360L, although one of them quit working?
I may have to make some more soon, good luck.
Your making me jealous, and I don't want to be. ;)
Great looking cameras!!
I've built one of the same cams as Waipti, need a day to build it. But it's fun and a great Trail cam, let me know if your interested in what/where and I can send you in the right direction.
The cam corder is going to be my next project reading about them looks like the sony night shot would make and excellent game cam. Lots of guys have built these already i've seen there movies.
When I was driving to work yesterday I saw my first bull that had about a foot worth of antlers on his head. Man it sure get me fired up for the hunts when I see that kind of stuff.
thanks for sharing as always
To many glowing eyes even during the daylight for me. :thumb
As always great pictures. =D>
Thanks for posting them up.