training a pup
10/3/07 10:23pm
Looks like i might be getting a pup this friday, its gonna be a chocolate lab, so im after any pointers/tips ya can give me! this will be my first time training a dog, so its gonna be an experiance thats for sure! what are some do's and dont's?
also if ya have any good names, let me hear them, he will be a male!
also if ya have any good names, let me hear them, he will be a male!
They all learn at there own rate and not yours . There is a video that everyone seems to recommend called waterdog . My Labs chewed on everything the first year and i understand Labs mature later than most breeds. I was told they they will act like a pup until 2 - 3 year's Lab is very hyper and and has a TON of drive and At 16 months is finally calming down , just a bit. They love to work out !!
Great Video Rob!
That is my one training tip. I have two male dogs, a chessy and a GSP (German Shorthaired Pointer).
They are knuckle heads and think they know better than you do most of the time. About 75% of the time they are right, but it just leads to a lot more training time than most females in my opinion.
Walters Waterdog is a great book and I definitely recommend it.
and as others have said, the instict will be there, i was suprised at how smart they are and how fast they pick up on things!!!
congrats on pup