Tree Stand VS Stalking
7/29/08 9:12am
I'm still fairly new to archery and wanted to get the expert opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of both tree stand hunting for Mulies and stalking. Which do you prefer and why? I personally struggle to have enough patience to sit in a stand but if that's the way to go maybe I can muster some. Let me know...
My 2 cents. Good Luck.
That said, I have a January (hot and dry!) desert bowhunt coming up and will likely try and sit water in a home made ground blind the whole day - that'll be tough for me, but I'm scouting it every 2-3 weeks and have trail cams up so hopefully I can get them patterned so sitting in the right spot patiently might be worth it. Plus the terrain is wide open and lends itself more to long range glassing. Terrain, water, hunting pressure, deer #'s, a plan A, B, C spot and on the ground flexibility are my key considerations for planning a hunt. My 2 cents...
Mule deer don't move around to much so i think spot and stalk is best... unless you know where the deer go then you can put a tree stand there.
Good luck.
Thanks for all the input.
Here's one overlooking a heavily used trail coming straight out GCNP that led to a waterhole on the legal side of the border.
Here's one about 15 meters off of a nice dirt tank.
Find one of those liquid lanundry soap containers with a wide pour spout. Clean it up so you dont smell like a load of freshly cleaned clothes sitting in the tree stand. When the urge to purge hits just do it into the bottle and seal it up tight. I carry some scent killer to spray the bottle and myself after each use.
I carry an empty bottle of some sort with me when ever I go hunting just for the purpose of not spoiling the area.
*Using scent free products i.e. laundry soap and spray
*Finding or making a depression in the ground. If you scratch through the dirt enough to get down to the nice cool moist dirt below that can help hold your scent down and lower your profile.
They're not perfect but offer flexibility and concealment if you find a sweet spot.
Treestand takes patience and I have never been able to sit still that long. I use spot and stalk exclusively.
Some people however can't physically walk around all day up and down and do it the right way. Treestands and blinds make a great alternative for those people.
My .02 worth.
What if you have been glassing all morning and have found nothing. Your best option maybe to find the nearest water. What if the deer are going into a ultra thick patch of timber to bed. Best bet will probably be to set up an ambush, treestand or otherwise. Everyone would like to watch a big ole buck go bed down, sneak up and shoot him and grin like possum. If you kill the same buck from a stand over water you will still be grinning.