treetop's trail cam pics
7/8/07 9:01am
These are all from TreeTop
FANTASTIC STUFF! 10sign: 10sign:" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
FANTASTIC STUFF! 10sign: 10sign:

I forgot to put in a memory card so I went back on the 7th and switched it out. The 16 MB onboard memory was full with 37 pictures taken on the 4th and 5th.
These are the first cat pictures I have got.
It looks like a female that's nursing a batch of kittens. She looks as skinny as an old doe with triplets.
I'm hoping for some more good pix from this location.
I need to go back in and aim the camera a little higher so the antlers aren't cropped off.
Come on guys get your cameras out so we can all enjoy the pictures.
this part of the forum is always the one I visit first. Later treetop
Yep, I was thinking just like you. Aim the cam a bit higher and the CAT looked skinny to me also.
That goes for the rest of you too.
The hard part is drawing a Pahvant elk tag. The odds are pretty long but someone will draw the tags so it just as well be you.
I hear people bitch about the draw and how long it takes to get a tag, but if you don't put in you for sure won't draw.
These bulls are fun to watch and we see them all over the place. It's like being in a candy store and not being able to eat any.
I wish the DWR would do as good a job on the deer as they do on the elk.