Treetops Elk

I was talking to my brother and he said that his computer is down for a bit so I thought that I'd post a few pictures of his elk." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />

Yeah it's not exactly what elk country looks like but on that year that is where they were hanging out so that is where we hunted. We never did bother to score it but it goes around 350. It's also a day that I'll never forget. For the first few days it was warm and the only time that they would bugle was morning and night. On the day that we got this elk it was warm a 5:00A.M. when we started out from the truck but the wind was blowing and the temp was dropping and the elk were just going nuts. By the time the sky had startyed turning blue there were about a half dozen bulls all around us bugleing every time we called. We started weeding through all of them one at a time when this on came out from a draw that he was hiding his cows in to see what was going on. I can still see that bull standind there in the first rays of the morning light looking around for these other cows that he can hear when my brother put the smack down on him. The bull ran about fifty yards then piled up in the scrub oak. then the work began getting him out for pictures then getting him to the road. But now that I look back on it I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Sorry for being so long winded. Hope you enjoy.
Looks like a 350 bull to me, and I'd be PERFECTLY happy with one like that.

SWEET!! Thanks for posting him up again.

Bow Nut, Thanks for posting some more photos of that great bull! Congrats to you two. That sure is a beauty. =D>
Great bull a_bow_nut and congrats to TreeTop!!!
Great looking bull!!
thats a great bull he got there. ill say its around 350. :thumb NICE :thumb