Trip from a couple of weeks ago

My wife and I took a drive a couple of weeks ago and this is a few of the images we experienced." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
Quite the 'grab bag' of animals, thanks for sharing! 10sign:
Looks like you took a trip through a wildlife park or something! Great pics!
Excellent variety of animals. =D> Nice!
All the pictures, with the exception of the one with the deer and elk in the same picture, were taken on public land in Idaho. We take this trip every spring just to curb our spring fever a little. Any advice on how I could improve the quality of my photos would be appreciated.
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Boy that's a bunch of animals. You didn't get them all on a one day trip did you?
I enjoyed the pics keep them coming
WOW! Talk about a buffet....very nice pics. :thumb
one hunting fool
the only way to improve the quality of those photos is to have a few girls in skimpy pj's having a pillow fight in em :thumb
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I'll make a couple suggestion's. Pay attention to the rule of thirds. If you look at each photo you'll see the subject is pretty much centered. Divide your view finder into 3rds up and down and left to right. Then place the subject coming into the picture and usually in a bottom third. Look at the chukar and the rock chuck. if both were in the lower right corner of the frame, you could have either zoomed in closer or, more likely, have cropped the photo to take out a bunch of the distraction inside the photo. Another thing that might have worked on the chukar would have to shoot with the aperture wide open and focus on it's head. Then after focusing, hold the shutter release part way down to lock the focus and re-compose the chukar to the lower right area. If the bird wasn't to far off, that would have blurred the foreground and the back ground making the bird pop right out of the photo.

Back to thirds a moment. Look at the photo of the two sheep right after the chukar. Notice that the sheep to the left is centered and the one to the right is off to the right. Both are looking out the right side of the photo and there is a big MTY space behind them that adds nothing. By moving both to the left and down a bit their gaze carries you into the frame and eliminates the big hole behind them.
This was a one day trip. I appreciate the comments and the advice. Here is another couple of pictures from the trip." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
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Boy that is a bunch of different animals for a one day trip! Really like the sheep photo. I've headr where some are reasonably near me. I gotta go see it I can find them. Love those sheep.
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"Don Fischer "--- couldn't have said it better myself.. great advice I guess I need to start getting the long lenses out for the wildlife now.. the antlers should be growing!!!
hey Don-- i've also been seeing a few going down the grade towards Warm Springs. i've seen them 2-3 times on the right when your near the turn off to [ i cant remember for sure] pelton d a m?? or whatever that d a m is
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"killerbee" wrote:hey Don-- i've also been seeing a few going down the grade towards Warm Springs. i've seen them 2-3 times on the right when your near the turn off to [ i cant remember for sure] pelton d a m?? or whatever that d a m is
That would be the east side of Warm springs. I think that is the Pelton Dam turn off! I'm gonna go look there. Fish and Game put some on the Deschutes a number of years ago and they migrated to the Priday Ranch. They went in with helocopter's and netted them and took them back to the river. Bet it's the same bunch.