Rotary Club Of Wallowa County Fundraiser Exclusive Trophy Mule Deer Hunt - 170-200 Class Muleys.
Exclusive Hunt Package includes the following:
You will be the ONLY Hunter during the first 3 days of buck season, (October 2-4, 2010) with
access to 33,000 acre Zumwalt Prairie Preserve to harvest one buck. This prize is transferable.
Four nights in a canyon Western-themed B&B Lodge, 3 meals per day included.
One day guided fishing trip for 2 in Wallowa County to be completed by 12/31/10. Actual date to be
determined by you and Eagle Cap Fishing Guides. (This item can be transferable to another person).
You will have an expert Guide familiar with the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve for your 3 day hunt.
Transportation of harvested deer off the Preserve in accordance with The Nature Conservancy
policies, and delivery to a local processor; for basic processing (cutting/wrapping) of harvested deer.
You will be allowed to pre-scout the area prior to actual hunt.
A Welcome Basket from the Rotary Club of Wallowa County.
Deadline to purchase tickets is March 31, 2010. Drawing to take place April 7, 2010.
The sale of this package is a fund-raiser by the Rotary Club of Wallowa County. Proceeds from this fund-raiser go to Wallowa Country Heartbeat towards purchasing and placing Automated External Defibrillators throughout Wallowa County to save the lives of victims of sudden cardiac arrest. $100.00 each ticket - Max 99 tickets to be sold!!!! Your odds are better than putting in for a controlled hunt in Oregon!
To purchase tickets by Check or M.O payable to: Rotary Club of Wallow County - SEND TO: Chad Garrett 212607 SW Dakota Cir. Tualatin OR 97062 or Call 503-367-0207
Please Note: Winner must obtain a valid Oregon hunting license and tag.
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Hey I wanted to let everyone know that there is a few tickets left to purchase for the Muley Raffle. Hey guy's let your wife's and girlfriends know that this would make a great Valentines gift!!!!
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I wanted thank those of you who purchased Exclusive Trophy Mule Deer Raffle Hunt tickets! Good luck to you - and Thanks for helping to save lives!
We still have a few left if anyone else out there wants to get in on this great Hunt Package!

We have been featured on ESPN 710 Outdoorline Seattle, article in Statesman Journal - link here:

- and will soon be featured in the Idaho Statesman paper in the outdoor section
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:thumb I want to THANK EVERYONE who purchased Ticket for this great cause. We are SOLD OUT OF TICKETS. The Rotary Club of Wallowa County thanks all your support for AED's to help save lives!!!