trouble hunts
10/15/13 7:31pm
so I have been hunting area 39 and whenever I see a deer whether its a buck or a doe they are always to far for me to shoot, so I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I hike to the spot and sit and wait all day then other times i hike all the way up the hill and sit and still see nothing I've changed the way I've done things but still nothing. If I can get any advise or hints that will be great.

10/15/13 8:21pm
Hey, do you mean unit 39 in idaho?

10/15/13 8:21pm
Also what range are you comfortable shooting at/how far are the deer?

10/15/13 8:26pm
yes in idaho and the rang if i got a good scope and sighted at the right distance I would shoot up to 120 yards

10/15/13 8:28pm
the deer whenever I spot them they are usually up to 100 plus yards off and across the road

10/15/13 8:36pm
Well I was hunting 76 and I couldn't ever get my eyes on deer, however I have a rifle, scope, and rangefinder combo that makes me comfortable shooting at farther distances. Maybe we could get together and if the different gun, and set up made you comfy you could shoot a deer with it. We could help each other that way! Aside from that I am fairly new to hunting in general, especially mule deer. The gun is a gunwerks LR-1000, .300 win mag. The muzzle brake they put on it makes it kick like a .308, if that. Prior to getting the rifle I had never shot over 200 yards, the first time out with the rifle I was shooting 960 yards. It really is an amazing set up! Let me know if you're interested!

10/15/13 8:40pm
Thats an amazing setup man and ya ill let ya know

10/15/13 8:45pm
Alright sounds good! I will probably only be able to hunt saturday, and sunday morning. I am a ways away and do to my hunting in 76 I can't really take anymore time off work.