Trouble on the Trail

We"The Melrose Elk Camp" still prefer Gods Quads over man made one's when it comes to the High country, but they come with a risk. This year my dads horse took a flip or two down 100 ft or so. she got a Little cut up but she was ok. Now my dads Weatherby was in the scabbard "not Good" took some hits. We had to re-site it in . Thank Big man my dad got off him fast "not bad for 71 years old " and was not hurt.

IT just would not be elk hunting to me, if there were no crazy horses in camp.

About two years ago on the Elk hunt I was just getting ready to water two horses down from camp. Well mounted up and started out of camp thats when I saw a cloud of dust coming up the trail. A closer looked reveled it to be three Quarter horse halter tied "Not a good Idea in the mountains" coming strait at me. So I yell out to camp "TROUBLE ON THE TRAIL" and my dad ran to help get our horses out of the way. They went by camp side by side. well after that I mounted up again and started for the water hole. I get about 1/4 out of camp and run into a rodeo. These guy's had big trouble, horses going off every Ware on the trail and on the sides. So I turned around and went back to camp to wait it out. Tied up my horses and MY dad asked why I was I Back so soon. Told him "TROUBLE ON THE TRAIL" and explained what I found down by the water hole. It was about 30 minuets latter that they started by camp. They were trying to train a new pack horse and had hard packs on him. well he did not like it at all and started bucking in a circle for about five minuets almost took out my solar power station and the wall tent. I had to tell the guy's to move the rest of the horses on down the trail to get him to leave it.LOL
when they left he did to bucking the hole way. LOL

My Quad has four Hoof's ,and runs on Methane!