Troy Christensen's 2008 GOV. TAG BUCK" alt="" />

Here is a pic of the 2008 Gov. Buck shot by Troy Christensen of Christensen Arms.

It has the "tripod" fixed that was busted off on the right side

It has 46" of mass and has a oustide spread of 34 1/2" with a main frame of around 30in.

Im not sure what the score is on it exactly, but will let you know if I do hear what it is.

Troy Christensen who shot this buck has given permission to post this pic.
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wow :not-worthy i love the look of that buck
WOW! what a pig! thanks to troy for giving permission, and thanks to you for posting!
Thanks for the post and tell Troy congrats on a lifetime buck. What a hog. 10sign: 10sign:
Wasatch Wonder
Sweet buck! Where did he shoot him?
that is a sweet buck and it looks alot better with the antlers fixed i seen pics of it when it was busted off :thumb
Dang! Hog for sure!

Anyone have any other photos that they can post? I am just curious...hard to see exactly how big this buck is in that one photo.
Congrats to Troy on a fantastic buck. :thumb
What a massive buck......congratulations to the hunter and everyone involved.
WOW. What a pig of a buck.
Thanks Heshen!

Appreciate the photo and thanks to Troy. That is an AWESOME buck with crazy MASS.

This buck was NOT taken on the Henries however, so there is some big boys still roaming elsewhere. :thumb
WOW! hard to believe that there are still monsters like that roaming around. Sure is a lot of inches of bone there. I'd love to hear what he scores, and like Hawk, I'd love to see more of a close up picture. Congrats to Troy on a buck that is definitely worthy of the Gov. tag. Thanks for posting. 10sign:
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Awesome mass on that pig!

It looks like Steph and I might get a look at him in a couple of days.

Congrats, to Troy and the crew at Christensen Arms.

It has been a long, hard fall of hunting. Way to go!!!

Congrats Troy!!!! And thanks for sharing 10sign:
I have other pics of it but no permission to post them they are cell phone pics also in the text it said he was shot on the henries i hate rumors where was this buck taken ?
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Southern Utah... On public land, and NOT in a limited entry area!!!!
Great buck! Congrats to the hunter :thumb
6x6 bull
That thing is a buck of a lifetime!!! Big time Congrats to the hunter and all involved. Thanks for posting.
Wasatch Wonder
That's simply amazing if that buck really was shot on public land that wasn't a LE unit. WOW!
Didnt one of the Christensens get that big 42 in buck on the henries last year to? Thats a awesome buck. Congrats to Troy!
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Yah they did get that wide one out there.. Its a very awesome buck as well!!! Congrats to all of the Christensen Arms fellas.. They sure do make great rifles too
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What a HOGG!
That is one BAD A#% BUCK
definatly a beauty buck and congrats to Troy on the kill
I feel very fortunate to have actually seen this buck in person a couple of weeks before it was shot. I have been hunting for over 10 years and have never seen one so big in the wild. I just remember that I could not keep my eyes off of it for the whole time I was able to watch it (which was atleast an hour). When I heard that it had been taken I had mixed feelings about it. I was sad (for selfish reasons obviously) but at the same time feel that he may have been starting to go down hill. So I believe it was a good time for him to be taken. I would like to tell the hunter congratulations on a very fine trophy. :not-worthy I would also like to mention that I was able to witness him "passing on" his great genetics. :thumb Which gives me hope for the years to come. I can also confirm 100% that it was taken on public land and definitely not on a Limited Entry unit (no where near). It is so great to know that there really are some great bucks still out there on public land.
"madaboutmuleys" wrote:I feel very fortunate to have actually seen this buck in person a couple of weeks before it was shot. I have been hunting for over 10 years and have never seen one so big in the wild. I just remember that I could not keep my eyes off of it for the whole time I was able to watch it (which was atleast an hour). When I heard that it had been taken I had mixed feelings about it. I was sad (for selfish reasons obviously) but at the same time feel that he may have been starting to go down hill. So I believe it was a good time for him to be taken. I would like to tell the hunter congratulations on a very fine trophy. :not-worthy I would also like to mention that I was able to witness him "passing on" his great genetics. :thumb Which gives me hope for the years to come. I can also confirm 100% that it was taken on public land and definitely not on a Limited Entry unit (no where near). It is so great to know that there really are some great bucks still out there on public land.
Congrats on seeing the live version of the gov tag buck. I got to see the live version of buck they dubbed the General. It roamed the Camp Williams National Guard base and surrounding fields. Very cool to see. I liked him better with the velvet off. He was taken on the archery hunt still in full velvet.

You stated that you can confirm that it was taken on public land. To actually confirm it I will need you to PM me the GPS coordinates of where here was passing those genes along. :))

Welcome to the madness!
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He Went "206" not the best in score wise. but the mass was unbeilevable over 7in bases he was a stud! :thumb
The Ox
i know a guy thats chased this buck for a few years... and i guess he was a lot bigger last year!
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anybody know what he paid for the tag?...... :not-worthy
The Ox
he paid may to much for bein on a general unit lol
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but he had his choice tho...?
The Ox
ya he could hunt any unit in the state
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so would he of concintrated on something like the henry's or??????? :-k
The Ox
ya most do that and the pauns ...but i understand a guy went behind his buddies back and told him about this buck that one of his buddies had been hunting and probably got a finders fee for it.... this was a older buck and had been much bigger last year i know a guy that has a lot of video of this buck
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Hmmmmm, thankx interesting stuff
"The Ox" wrote:ya most do that and the pauns ...but i understand a guy went behind his buddies back and told him about this buck that one of his buddies had been hunting and probably got a finders fee for it.... this was a older buck and had been much bigger last year i know a guy that has a lot of video of this buck
Glad we have the facts straight. especially from a guy that knows a guy that has a lot of video of that buck. I personally have video of the buck from last year and he wouldnt have scored any better last year then this year. He was alot heavier, has more points, and had alot more character this year then last. He may have been a bit wider and a bit taller last year. also, about the guy going behind his buddys back and getting a finders fee. That never happened. That guy actually called his buddy and asked him if he was interested in showing Troy that buck.
The Ox
The Ox wrote:ya most do that and the pauns ...but i understand a guy went behind his buddies back and told him about this buck that one of his buddies had been hunting and probably got a finders fee for it.... this was a older buck and had been much bigger last year i know a guy that has a lot of video of this buck
Glad we have the facts straight. especially from a guy that knows a guy that has a lot of video of that buck. I personally have video of the buck from last year and he wouldnt have scored any better last year then this year. He was alot heavier, has more points, and had alot more character this year then last. He may have been a bit wider and a bit taller last year. also, about the guy going behind his buddys back and getting a finders fee. That never happened. That guy actually called his buddy and asked him if he was interested in showing Troy that buck.
hey lets be an a** about it huh!... ya that buck was bigger last year! and i talked to the guy personally with video of it!its not something i heard from a friend that heard from a friend and on the finders fee i said probably lets not be a jerk next time huh! why dont ya load your video up big mouth!! why would anyone show this buck they have been after to let it be killed by someone else when they have been chasing it for years! i highly doubt that! i sure as heck wouldnt! and the guys i know that chased it sure wouldnt either!i know two guys that chased this buck and so i am sure there were more than that, that knew of him.
hey lets be an a** about it huh!... ya that buck was bigger last year! and i talked to the guy personally with video of it! its not something i heard from a friend that heard from a friend and on the finders fee i said probably lets not be a jerk next time huh! why dont ya load your video up big mouth!! why would anyone show this buck they have been after to let it be killed by someone else when they have been chasing it for years! i highly doubt that! i sure as heck wouldnt!

This comment is out of line. Relax bud, no one said he was being a jerk or any of the other garbage you mentioned there. I normally don't chime in on crap like this, but I happen to know more than you do on this one and HUNTIN FOR LIFE knows more than both of us and he isn't the only one on this forum that does. YES he has video and there is GOOD reason he hasn't uploaded any of it.
i know two guys that chased this buck and so i am sure there were more than that, that knew of him
this part is very likely true.
The Ox
"MuleyMadness" wrote:
hey lets be an a** about it huh!... ya that buck was bigger last year! and i talked to the guy personally with video of it! its not something i heard from a friend that heard from a friend and on the finders fee i said probably lets not be a jerk next time huh! why dont ya load your video up big mouth!! why would anyone show this buck they have been after to let it be killed by someone else when they have been chasing it for years! i highly doubt that! i sure as heck wouldnt!

This comment is out of line. Relax bud, no one said he was being a jerk or any of the other garbage you mentioned there. I normally don't chime in on crap like this, but I happen to know more than you do on this one and HUNTIN FOR LIFE knows more than both of us and he isn't the only one on this forum that does. YES he has video and there is GOOD reason he hasn't uploaded any of it.
i know two guys that chased this buck and so i am sure there were more than that, that knew of him
this part is very likely true.
well i apoligize if it seems outta line! but i felt like he was hacking on me and i do know some info on this buck!and i prob knew about this buck before you did as well.i know a guy thats chased this buck for 3 years. and i do know the general area this buck lived!i definently wont expose the area whether ya beleive me or not because i kinda dont care to much but...i did just talk to my buddy that watched the vid from the last year and year before and it was bigger sorry to say!
i was wrong about the guy going behind his back tho! and i never stated that was true to begin with i said i understood thats what happened.
Ox I don't doubt you know a lot about this buck, or more than me. I know the area but not a big deal to me or arguing about the size. So I believe ya, lest just not rip into each other. :thumb
The Ox
OX, Nobody ever said you are lying about knowing about this buck before he was killed. You don't need to get all defensive just cause I set the record straight on what happened. I apologize for coming of a little harsh in my last post, it was not meant to slam you, i was just being a little sarcastic about it. Anyways it may not of been your chose or you buddy's to show someone else where this deer was at. But after watching this deer for 3 years and hunting him 2 out of the 3 years, he wasn't going to get any bigger. So that's why i choose to show the Gov tag were he was at. I personally would rather see this awesome deer get shot before he starts going down hill.
The Ox
well imho i think thats a bit selfish toward the other guys that found him on their own and i know 2 that have chased him for 3 years as well and spent a lot of time hunting that deer. kinda weak in my opinion. o well enough about this thread im sick of arguing and it doesnt matter now anyway.
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](*,) i think we need to get over it, cause its a small world these days ain't nothing beyond the dollar!
Well thats the chance ya take when hunting a big buck. knowing the sportsman and gov tag starts on the sept. 1. Like i said before I also hunted this deer for 2 years and also found him on my own. you say thats weak, well they had there chose to do the same thing. they chose not to, and i chose to.
have you seen that buck that lady got on the sportsmans tag this year? i got the pic i'll post it, the buck measures 230" and thats with like 20" of horn that got knocked off.. i'll post it in a bit for yall to see