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Truck Lift
12/9/12 8:30pm
Got a new dodge and was thinking about lifting it 2". Dont know if I should go with a body or a suspension lift. What are the advantiges or disadvantiges? Haven't lifted one since 1994. Suspension and was a big job. Any help would be welcome.
Pros, aside from cost, is no change in ride, no change in driveline geometery, much easier than any suspension lift.
Cons: Higher center of gravity, more wind resistance rolling down the highway.
Not familiar with your ride and what is out there for it but I would save the money you'd spend on a suspension lift for only two inches and put that into gas with the body lift. You'd have to spend the same amount on gas after the suspension lift anyways.
That being said, I'm still contemplating putting mine back on now that I've replaced all my ball joints and U-joints....