TSX vs Accubond
10/29/11 8:24pm
What is the consensus on these two bullets? I have had pretty good luck with both, but I think I prefer the Accubonds.
Now I will have to see what they do out at longer ranges. This was my first experience with the Barnes. I too have always shot Nosler.
Oh ya, 270wsm with 130gr. 3176 fps.
I shot my 2012 mulie buck at 488 yds. quartering with a .25-06 AI and a 100gr. TTSX @ 3598fps. The bullet entered the right shoulder, passed through taking out both lungs and exited the left hip. Buck did not take a single step.
Calculations show the bullet should have still been somewhere around 2300fps, and retained 1150ft/lbs. of kinetic energy at that range. My rifle also holds about a 5" group at 600 yds, but shoots sub-1/2 MOA at 100 yds. I can ring an 8" steel plate at 830 yds. 90% of the time too, depending on winds, sometimes 10 for 10. I would consider that accurate enough for a hunting bullet.
Anyway with that being said I used 150 gr nosler partitions in my 7mm mag for years and cant recall more than a deer or two that even took more than one step and those were likely because of poor shot placement which is bound to happen over a decade of hunting. Since the Accubond is similar in design to the partition I plan to work up a load this year for my 300 win mag in 180 gr. accubonds and see what they do.
So did the TTSX shoot good? Absolutely! Sub MOA all day. 1" 3 shot group at 200yds. But I have been hearing and reading great things about the Accubonds and have decided to give them a try. Next elk season I will have them strapped in my magazine provided they give me the grouping and numbers I am looking for. Plus I have had people tell me and have also read on other threads that the Accubonds will shoot identically to the nosler balistic tips. If the partitions had as good of a BC and they grouped better I would be uning them; in fact I may try to work up a load with them in 180gr. You cannot beat the shock power and energy that comes for a nosler partition.