Turkey Experts - Where to shoot/hit?

Okay having never killed a turkey with a bow or even attempted.

Little help here....

Where do you shoot? Kill zone?

http://muleymadness.com/gallery/d/22952-4/IMG_9690.jpg" alt="" />
No expert, but I've killed a few...On that shot I'd shoot for the wing-butt, tad bit high. I really don't like to shoot at strutted up birds, very decieving. Also I try and quarter them, taking out a thigh and wing. One if they can't run or use their feet they have a tough time flying and two if you get the wing, no flying. That and you go through the vitals..

Facing away is good, shooting them square in the back above the thighs, down and out. Hope that helps! Facing you, take 'em above the beard and if strutted up, below the waddles.

Here ya go... and remember these words; Hit 'em high, watch 'em die. Hit 'em low, watch 'em go. Live by those words.

If you hit them where the wing meets the body you will anchor the bird or at the very least you'll see him die within 40 yards or so. Aim higher rather than lower. If you follow the leg up then move slightly forward towards the wing butt you will kill the bird. I've seen it with my own eyes! Or, if the bird is close enough take the head shot. The head isn't much smaller than the vitals on a bird so you'll either kill it dead or miss. You do have a little more kill zone with a body shot, just don't shoot low or you'll have a tough time recovering your bird.

As already mentioned, the strutting shot is difficult to judge so if you can get a standing shot that's better. My son killed a strutter at 6 yards recently so it's not impossible but it is a little more difficult. Just study the pics closely.

Are you using a blind? If so, place your decoys at 6 to 10 yards from the blind. Hens should face away from you as the toms approach hens from behind. If you use a jake decoy it should face the blind as the toms approach jakes from the side or front.

Good luck!
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Good illustrations and advice. I've shot a few and can only add that if you hit them in the body and hack a big hole through the body cavity clean them up ASAP or they will spoil quickly. The innards foul the meat. Wing butt or neck and head won't hurt any meat.
Perfect Mark THANKS!

Exactly the info I needed. Not sure yet on the blind, but likely not. I'm going to try bow first but may have to resort to shotgun?
mapleton archer
nice photos . i was just going to post the same question brett as i am leaving sunday for my first turkey hunt.
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I've tried twice to get one with my bow, and reverted to the shotgun once, pretty tough.
I think the best advantage you'll have with a bow is using a blind. There's a lot of movement involved and you need a good hide.
i did it once with a bow, without a blind. but i will admit, these wern't the normal public land birds i hunt every year. these were on a private, never been hunted before ranch. it was easy really. i think they thought when i drew my bow back that i was reaching for some corn. i still have permission to hunt there but i wont even waist my gas driving the 3 hrs to get there. there is no high fence,no baiting,nothing illegal at all. but it just isn't right............
anyway- NORMAL BOW HUNTING FOR TURKEYS............. AWSOME INFO MARK! i love the graphics. and to do it with a bow in normal hunting conditions would be a feat! where i hunt now, i'm a LONG ways from trying it with a bow. but really it is a funner hunt!
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This was a few weeks ago. almost perfect placement. about 1 inch low.
"coleman" wrote:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkBvEi7zsw8

This was a few weeks ago. almost perfect placement. about 1 inch low.

Nice job... :thumb
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thanks George. You know Bob don't you?
"coleman" wrote:thanks George. You know Bob don't you?
Oh yeah, good to see you guys out...They were fired up this monring, but didn't want to play! :-k
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we're headed out in the morning to give it a go. Bobs son is going into Ranger school for the Army so we're trying to put him on a bird before he leaves. It will be his first bird. He will be shooting a shotgun. i'm filming it for Bob ill' post the link the the vid and let ya'll know how we do.
Nice, that'll work Coleman...Good luck!