Turkey Feathers
8/16/07 9:22am
Fall turkey season open up pretty soon here in Colorado. I know that there are indian tribes that use turkey feathers for making things.
Does anyone know where the feathers can be donated to? :-k
Does anyone know where the feathers can be donated to? :-k
JLROOT, you scared me. Thought you were givin your trophy away :nono:
Body feathers... that'll be alright. Good on you for tryin to get them used rather than wasted! Wish I had any info for ya.
"We gave them some land???" "Our turkies???"
My apologies for any offensive feelings for anyone, wasn't meaning to do so, again I was just being a dork.
good luck JLROOT!
I will admit I am sensitive to the subject.
Ponder this notion: What does it say about a people that have been conquered that they would then have the highest percentage of enlistment of any race or nationality in the military of the people that conquered them?
O.K. I am officially off my soap box.