Turkey Feathers

Fall turkey season open up pretty soon here in Colorado. I know that there are indian tribes that use turkey feathers for making things.

Does anyone know where the feathers can be donated to? :-k
why? put those things on a plaque and hang it up!
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I am reffering to the body feathers only. Tail feathers go on the wall.
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why put the tail feathers on the wall. the native americans use the tail fetheres.
hey man, we aready gave them some land... now the turkeys too!!!!

JLROOT, you scared me. Thought you were givin your trophy away :nono:

Body feathers... that'll be alright. Good on you for tryin to get them used rather than wasted! Wish I had any info for ya.
Well, I can tell you I give mine to a friend at the Taos Pueblo in New Mexico. I would suggest you find the closest rez and go there personally and ask around you will find someone that would be very appreciative. I have developed some really great friendships this way.


"We gave them some land???" "Our turkies???"
It was a stupid joke. Not a joke that i'd imagine anyone to laugh at, just a joke as in I was kidding around and stupid teenagers often do. I was refering to the Indian Reorganization Act formed in the 30's where a couple million acres were givin back to the native american people as well as health care benefits and some form of education for the tribes.

My apologies for any offensive feelings for anyone, wasn't meaning to do so, again I was just being a dork.

good luck JLROOT!
Not to worry HH we have all been there.

I will admit I am sensitive to the subject.

Ponder this notion: What does it say about a people that have been conquered that they would then have the highest percentage of enlistment of any race or nationality in the military of the people that conquered them?

O.K. I am officially off my soap box.
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Now I am afraid to ask any more questions. :))
hahah.. no worries JLROOT - ask away; my bad for taking the conversation off your topic (**!!)