Turkey's anyone?
9/15/06 10:17pm
Some pics from our California turkey hunts...
My son Derek's 1st turkey (age 10) and Josh (15 in this pic) with one of his turkeys...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IMG_0821.jpg " alt="" />
The twins. These 2 birds were almost identical twins. They were side by side when we shot them. Both had 10" beards, mine had 1 1/4 spurs and the other had 1" spurs.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IM0016591.jpg " alt="" />
This bird was on the ground for a total of about 5 seconds when Josh shot him. We bedded him the night before, set up as close as we dared and he hit the ground 30 yards from Josh. Bang! You can see in the pic that it's barely light out. It was 5 minutes into legal shooting time (spring 2006)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/firstlightgobbler.jpg " alt="" />
Dereks 2nd turkey (spring 2006)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IMG_1778.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IMG_0492.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IM001667.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/IMG_0804.jpg " alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v602/mjones7300/TomEvanGaramendishouse.jpg " alt="" />
My son Derek's 1st turkey (age 10) and Josh (15 in this pic) with one of his turkeys...

The twins. These 2 birds were almost identical twins. They were side by side when we shot them. Both had 10" beards, mine had 1 1/4 spurs and the other had 1" spurs.

This bird was on the ground for a total of about 5 seconds when Josh shot him. We bedded him the night before, set up as close as we dared and he hit the ground 30 yards from Josh. Bang! You can see in the pic that it's barely light out. It was 5 minutes into legal shooting time (spring 2006)

Dereks 2nd turkey (spring 2006)



Thanks for sharing!