Turkey time
4/11/07 10:16pm
We just finished packing up the truck and we're rollin' out at 5:30 AM for a 4 day turkey hunt in California. California has a pretty liberal 3 turkey limit (1 per day, 3 per season). My boys and I are hoping for a good hunt. We usually each get 1 bird, sometimes a bonus bird.
I'm taking my bow as well as a shotgun. But I really want a nice tom with my bow! Hopefully we'll have some quality video of the hunt and some pics to share when we get back. Stay tuned... I'll post up when we get back.
I'm taking my bow as well as a shotgun. But I really want a nice tom with my bow! Hopefully we'll have some quality video of the hunt and some pics to share when we get back. Stay tuned... I'll post up when we get back.
I hunted all day Thursday with my bow and had 3 shots but just couldn't close the deal. I called in 2 long beards withing 15 minutes of our first hunt Thursday and my younger son connected and I've got that on video. You don't get to see the bird get shot but you do see Derek shoot and the bird roll down the hill. I got an arow off at the second bird and thought I got him but my arrow was clean. On the video I even said, "Got him!" It was that close!
I'm at my moms house right now so no photos yet. Tomorrow I'll post photos and the video.
Killerbee, We will be further east, closer to Raton.
Dereks birds (12 yr old son):
1st bird stats: 21 lbs tom, 9" beard, 1" spurs
2nd bird stats: 15lb jake, 3" beard, no spurs
Marks birds:
1st bird: 17lb jake, 3" beard, no spurs
2nd bird: 23lb tom, 10.5" beard, 3/4" spurs
Josh's bird (18yr old son):
18lb jake, 5" beard, nubs for spurs!
Derek has killed 4 turkeys now and Josh has killed 9. Not bad for a couple of youngsters! I've got video footage that I need to edit and then I'll post a link to that.
Anywho...nice job and CONGRATS! :thumb
My biggest bird to date was 23lbs, 11.5" beard and spurs were 1-1/4" long. Excellent bird! The beards on most of the larger birds in this area are really thick.
A lot of people won't shoot the jakes. However, this property (3500 acres) that we are hunting has a huge population of toms, jakes and hens. In an average year 4 birds are killed there so killing jakes isn't going to upset the balance in any way. The 4 birds doesn't include the birds we kill. So far this season only 1 other group of 2 hunters has been on the property and they shot one bird last Saturday.
So on this 3500 acres, only 5 people have hunted it this season and only 6 birds have been shot. Low pressure!
Hope to get a bird in a couple of years.