Tyewires Sheep hunt 2011

Well, I can't believe it is over. Over a hundred miles rowed in 13 days and countless miles on our feet! All the prep and time that goes into a trip like this is amazing in its self.

With some good advise from past hunters (Killerbee), we decided to prefloat the river the week before the season. This ended up being the best idea of the trip.
We put in up river far enough not to miss any sheep country at all. Our findings were surprising :-k . Not very many sheep in the so called "Prime areas"http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3272.jpg" alt="" />
Trying to keep a positive attitude, even though every time I even glanced at the other side of the river a ram stood looking at me as if to say " You got the wrong tag sucker" #-o http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3340.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3331.jpg" alt="" />
Finally, down river a not far from the end we started seeing sheep on my side of the river on a regular basis. We finally spotted a ram that I just had to have. He was old and heavy and had lots of character.

This is him.http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3413.jpg" alt="" />
Dan, and my Brother
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030133.jpg" alt="" />
My Dad and Son
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030125.jpg" alt="" />

So with expectations high we rowed out and got a motel in Biggs Junction and meet the rest of the hunting crew. My wife, 10yr. old son, and good friend Dan.

My wife and I
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030155.jpg" alt="" />

So with scouting report in hand we jumped back into the river two days before the season started. The plan was to row as far as we could and camp while looking from the river and hiking in the evenings to confirm our scouting from the week before. With the same results, no sheep up river. So we pressed on down the river.
My boys first steel head.
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030103.jpg" alt="" />
Opening day ended with no sheep spotted on our side. Then on day two of the hunt we started seeing sheep again right were we had in the prefloat. But still I did not see the ram I wanted. So we pressed on down the river with hopes of getting on the old ram I saw from the week before.

Hoot Owl Rock
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3359.jpg" alt="" />

The gamble of course is the sheep I wanted was at the end of the float. So if we did not find him I would be floating the river for a third time with just two of us.

On the third morning I found myself checking out some sheep that my Dad and wife had spotted the night before. Still, not the one I wanted. While thoughts of a third float in my head. Wondering how it would all work out, my dad spots a group of sheep down river. We put the scope on them and there was my old buddy :))

So Dad and I grabbed a raft and headed down river after him. After 9 hours of cat and mouse I had my ram right where I wanted him.

This is him at 150 yard just before the shot.
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3479.jpg" alt="" />

After the hugs and tears from my dad we made our way down to my ram. He is 10 1/2 or 11 1/2 years old the biologist told me. He had little to no fat on him at all. He has scares all over his face and probably would not make it another winter. The true markings of a old majestic ram. I could not be happier with him. He tapes out at 161 and 2/8. Honestly, I could care less.... To share this with the man who taught me to hunt was the best moment in my hunting life. :not-worthy And to have my son and wife there as well. It is hard to put into words.
I am truly blessed...

Oh, have you ever rafted the John Day river at night? I highly recommend it! :thumb
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3482.jpg" alt="" />
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3491.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3495.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3499.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030116.jpg" alt="" />http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/P1030113.jpg" alt="" />

This is us getting loaded to float down to our new camp a half mile in the dark!
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx201/jbshipley/DSCF3519.jpg" alt="" />
Great story and awesome pictures. Glad you had a great time with friends and family. 160" Cali. ram is like shooting a 190" mule deer, you did real good. :thumb
Awesome Ram and story. What an experience with your family along too. Congrats and thank you for taking the time to share!!!
thats an awsome ram! it looks like you took full advantage of that once in a lifetime tag! congradulations!!
now all you have to worry about is figuring out a way to do it again someday:) 10sign: 10sign:
10sign: 10sign: One of the best threads on here all year. Simply awesome, I think those big ole rams are some of the coolest big game animals alive. Simply AWESOME. Thanks a bunch for posting and taking us along the float trip. That ram is incredible.
i just got off work and had to read it again- man that was a fun hunt! thats super awsome your boy getting to be their and also getting to catch his first steelhead!

if i was to bet, i'd say when the sheep hunts are all over, your ram will probably be one of the oldest, if not THE oldest ram killed. that it'self is pretty awsome!

congrats again, and thanks for sharing- this post just brings back great memories of are hunt last year!
Ya I think that is the thing I am most proud of. Have you heard from the other guys? I'm real curious to see how they did. I hope they had great hunts as well.
i did just get an update-- the west side guys, finally killed a mid to upper 150's ram on friday at the palisades, with the rifle. nate simmons got it all on video so we should get to watch it later this spring

the other east side guy , as of saturday, still hasnt killed a sheep, he was at hoot owl and still looking.
Hoot Owl is where the sheep hunting started for us. They should be in them now. Thanks for the update.
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Thanks for sharing! That is such an awesome story... love the pictures as well. You killed yourself a GREAT ram!
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Tyewire thanks for the story thats very interesting about the location of the sheep. definately not what all the bios tell you. I wander if the rut had something to do with that? Anyway good hunting on your part for finding a stud ram like that one givin the conditions and great tip from killer if you had not have done the prefloat you might have been hunting 20 miles of river with no sheep all week long. Great job!!
"Muddybuck" wrote:Tyewire thanks for the story thats very interesting about the location of the sheep. definately not what all the bios tell you. I wander if the rut had something to do with that? Anyway good hunting on your part for finding a stud ram like that one givin the conditions and great tip from killer if you had not have done the prefloat you might have been hunting 20 miles of river with no sheep all week long. Great job!!

I think that is what the other tag holder is finding out right now. I am sure glad I didn't listen to the people who told me a prefloat was a waste of time, due to the fact they move around so much. My findings where that there are traveling rams looking for ewes but they were all 140 to 150 class sheep. The bigger ones where with the ewes and in the same areas a week later. So yes, I agree the rut I believe was the main factor.
Congrats Tyewire, impressive ram. That sounds like an amazing adventure and well shared with friends and family. Great read and fantastic pics, too, big thanks for sharing.
Congratulations, that is a great story and I am sure a memory that will last you and your family a lifetime. 10sign:
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Tyewire I had to take a look at your ram again and its confirmed dang he's still a stud of a ram nice job. So what made you float at night just out of curiosity?
"Muddybuck" wrote:Tyewire I had to take a look at your ram again and its confirmed dang he's still a stud of a ram nice job. So what made you float at night just out of curiosity?

The ram was down river from where we camped. So when we took off to make a stock our boat was a mile down river. So the option was to leave the sheep and hike back to the camp up river or have the rest of the crew float past us and find a new camp. That way when we got the sheep out we could float down to the new camp. :thumb I killed him at 3:30 so it was dark buy the time we got him to the river.

Is there a such thing as "post sheep hunting syndrome" ? I think I have it lol
"Tyewire" wrote: Is there a such thing as "post sheep hunting syndrome" ? I think I have it lol
Yes there is and I have it too. I wanted to go out with the hunters real bad this year on my unit. I was out there on opening day but it was snowing so hard, it was hard to see anything. Both hunters got their rams before I could get back out there. I was planning on going out today and get some video of head butting rams but another big storm has moved in. ](*,)
That is cool you live close to be able to check them out! That was one of the most amazing things to me to see. Man, do they get after each other. I saw one ram with a broke leg, another with blood running down his face and we spotted a dead one below a bluff. I watch two ram try and kill each other for about an hour. They hit each other where ever and how ever they could to get back on a hot ewe. I all ways thought they squared of like a couple gentlemen but not what I witnessed.

Maybe there is a 10 step program or something..
I saw the same thing with a lot of "cheap shots" being taken. I would not be surprised at all to find out that many of the rams end up with broken ribs.
That is one great looking ram.

Thanks for taking us along on the adventure.
That is one great looking ram.

Thanks for taking us along on the adventure.
Man, what a great story and a fantastic ram to boot. Stories like yours and Ridgetops last year have really peaked my interest in sheep hunting. Congrats!
Proally the most awesome stories I've read anywhere. What an experience and what a ram. So now that u have reached the top of Everest whats next. Excellent job!
Wow, Thanks for the great complements guys :thumb It has been my pleasure to share it with anyone and everyone I know lol . My wife says she is going to draw the tag next year so I can do it again :))
"Tyewire" wrote:My wife says she is going to draw the tag next year so I can do it again :))
I wish my wife would say stuff like that!!!!
great ram...congrads on a once in a lifetime experiance
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awesome ram....
Great pictures of an awesome hunt! Congratulations! =D> =D> =D>