Type of duck?
12/27/06 7:25pm
Okay duck experts what type is she?
I thought Pintail at first, now I'm thinking Wigeon? Not so sure on this one?
The only one we got today. First time out in years. I need practice, shot 3 times, no ducks for me. :)

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/pintail.jpg" alt="" />
I thought Pintail at first, now I'm thinking Wigeon? Not so sure on this one?
The only one we got today. First time out in years. I need practice, shot 3 times, no ducks for me. :)

Three shots, no ducks. Sounds familiar! Sometimes I shoot the ducks, and sometimes I just shoot. Usually when I miss I call them warning shots.
Here is a link.
Very informative. It shows actual bill size and color of all the duck and has a good referance as to how they look when they are flying.
Hope this helps.