Ugly Black Plastic Pistol!!!!!
m gardner
5/19/11 5:51pm
Ugly Black Plastic Pistol!!
Well I finally got the taste out of my mouth that the first Glock I shot left in it. I was playing with a Glock 35, at where else but Sportsman's Warehouse, and the trigger and grip felt good enough to get me to put away my predjudices against ugly black plastic pistols and actually buy it. I dried fired it and became acclimated to the feel of the trigger and holster the first day. Good thing, it went off long before I got on target because I am used to the long DA trigger of my other pistols for the first shot. Shooting into the ground on video would be embarrassing for a hardened expert like me. May have even wept a bit. It's a .40 cal. designed for USPSA shooting. Target sights, long slide, nice trigger. I liked it so much I actually wore it to church this morning and it went unnoticed under my 511 shirt even though it's a really big pistol. It's light enough that it doesn't pull your pants down either so you aren't fussing with it. Nice pistol. Here's video of the first range time with it. It seems to recover extremely well from shot to shot probably because it's long and the barrel is low enough to not cause it to flip up like the XDs I've fired. Need to get some dies and make up some wussy target loads to shoot minor with.
Well I finally got the taste out of my mouth that the first Glock I shot left in it. I was playing with a Glock 35, at where else but Sportsman's Warehouse, and the trigger and grip felt good enough to get me to put away my predjudices against ugly black plastic pistols and actually buy it. I dried fired it and became acclimated to the feel of the trigger and holster the first day. Good thing, it went off long before I got on target because I am used to the long DA trigger of my other pistols for the first shot. Shooting into the ground on video would be embarrassing for a hardened expert like me. May have even wept a bit. It's a .40 cal. designed for USPSA shooting. Target sights, long slide, nice trigger. I liked it so much I actually wore it to church this morning and it went unnoticed under my 511 shirt even though it's a really big pistol. It's light enough that it doesn't pull your pants down either so you aren't fussing with it. Nice pistol. Here's video of the first range time with it. It seems to recover extremely well from shot to shot probably because it's long and the barrel is low enough to not cause it to flip up like the XDs I've fired. Need to get some dies and make up some wussy target loads to shoot minor with.
The little gun has impressed me! But I still believe that tupper ware belongs in the kitchen lol
Your competition model comes with a nicer trigger and a longer barrel, they really shoot well!!!!!
light target loads work well, and case life is awesome.... However, High power loads shot from my 23 experience alot of case head expansion. Only about 50% survive being sized. And if they get too hot, the case head will separate and break the gun and your hand.
google "glock blow up" and you'll see what I mean. :thumb