ummm, nothing like some PAC-10 humble pie!
1/1/10 9:17pm
man, what a no show for the pac-10 this year huh? before these bowl games i was thinking it was right at the top for toughest conferences in the nation. but holy crud??? oregon state gets there @$$ handed to them by BYU, arizona gets totally thumped by Nebraska, stanford gets beat by air force, oregon ducks gets pretty well beat by ohio state, WHAT THE HECK? i think the pac 10 was 6-0 last year in the bowl games? did the pac 10 get worse or did the other conferences get alot better? ](*,)
If TCU wins, that'll make the Mountain West 5-0, if I'm not mistaken. And none of their games were gimmees, either.
That's alright, the Idaho Vandels won (That was one heck of a game in case you missed it) and I am pulling for Boise St against TCU. I'd like to see my "other" home state (Idaho) go 2-0 this year.
Ummm...last night's Florida/Cincy game not with standing :))
I agree on both counts. I wanted both BSU and TCU to play the big la BSU and OU a few years ago. That's the only way that they can prove themselves.
Cinnci sure laid an egg against Florida though. But, not making excuses, they lost their coach just two weeks ago and I am sure that it weighed heavily on how they played that game.