under armour

does anyone hae any expirience with under armour cold gear? I hear it is pretty good stuff. Just looking for some testimonials before I go buying a pair

Thanks in advance
PAtrooper, although I have never used it in the field, I do use it when working out in cold weather. It works great....and to be honest with ya, I never thought to use it while hunting. I guess I'm just too attached to my good ol' long johns (It would help if I washed them now and again I suppose).
I do alot of running and such year around and the under armour works great in the cold.
yea stuff works great i have both underarm adn the cold gear stuff works awsome \:D/
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underarmour is really good. I use it all the time for hunting, fishing and sports.
wrmdnkr :thumb
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One good thing I've found with today's lightweight high performance undies is that you can add an extra light pair and stay warmer and not have the bulk of heavier outer clothes.
Is it good?!?!?! There is nothing better. Get some.
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Good to see another Pa guy here. What part of Pa.
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My son in college uses it for baseball he pitches in northern NM and they travel to Colorado, Nebraska, and Kansas. He will wear nothing else. I also have some that my 10 year old wears hunting Nov - Feb, it keeps him warm and keeps him from getting discouraged in the cold just because he don't get cold. Can't go wrong.
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Its works great! also if you get to warm and start to sweat, the sweat goes through it and then you dont get the chilles when you cool down. Great stuff :thumb and the turtle neck cold weather one is crazy warm!
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Under Armor is good if you are moving. I freeze my butt off if I use it when sitting on a stand or in the duck blind. Get yourself some Duofold if you aren't going to be moving around to much.
I think it does a fine job but I have found for me I don't like the compression fit. After a day or two I get itchy. My recent hunt I wore it for a day before switching to my smart wool. May just be me but that is my experience.
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+1 under armour
+2 smart wool
Good stuff worth the money
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layer with the UA compression, then UA fleece. It's what I usually wear when bowhunting to keep sleeves from being bulky and keeps me warm in a very damp cold down along the coast. Keep an eye on the Under Armour Online Outlet for discounted pricing on the stuff.
Depends on what you'll be doing with it in cold weather. This is just one mans opinion but for me I get cold if I sit very long with Cold Gear 2.0 (under freezing temps) but is great when you're out moving even in really cold temps. The Cold Gear 3.0 is great if you're doing a lot of sitting in really cold temps but can get hot if you do a lot of walking.
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"MuleyHunterNV" wrote:Is it good?!?!?! There is nothing better. Get some.
ditto 10sign:
Be careful when buying Under Armor as they started making cotton stuff. That really disappointed me. You can know longer know it is a high quality piece of clothing just by the brand.
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I started using Under Armour about 8 years ago and I haven't ever looked back. On warm hunts, it keeps me dry so my shirt isn't drenched with sweat when I get to my stand and on cold days, it wicks away the sweat so I don't get cold. I wish they offered sales or deals on them other than their outlet store but its well worth the money.
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Check out firstlite. I have a lot of it and can't say enough, however you have multiple layers when sitting on stand. They have a layering guide on there website. Its not cheap but I think it is worth the money.
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I have used under armor snowboarding, and it keeps me warm!
Buy them...

I would suggest that, if you buy the thermals, buy them about 1 or 2 sizes too big. I had a set that were skin tight and, while they do work, the tightness bothered me after a while. I bought mine about size too big and while the elastic in the waste still fits, they feel more like regular thermals; the shirt too. I also bought the full set of the UA Ridge Reaper Cold Gear Pants and Jacket along with a Cold Gear Hoodie; they work phenomenally and are perfect for being able to remove layers after the sun comes up and the temperature starts climbing.