Unicorn Antelope Part II
9/5/06 6:02pm
3 years ago I filmed this antelope and called him the unicorn antelope...here is the thread...

http://www.muleymadness.com/forum/photos/unicornante.jpg " alt="" />
I found him again this last Saturday morning 9/3/06, much to my surprise and happiness of course.
:) :)

I found him again this last Saturday morning 9/3/06, much to my surprise and happiness of course.
:) :)
The only bad part was I didn't find/see a single young one???
Other than that is was awesome!! :thumb
I'll post a bunch of pics of him and also a part of his 'harem'
He was only about 1-2 miles from where I originally saw him, I was very surprised to say the least.
He has straigtened up a bit.