Unit 13 New Mexico
8/11/10 10:55pm
I would appreciate advice on bowhunting mule deer in this unit. The season is JAN 1-15. I have lots of experience bowhunting white tail deer from a treestand in OCT/NOV and elk from the ground in SEPT. I realize that going after muleys in this unit in JAN is a different challenge. Has anyone had success with calling? Can anyone recommend a particular area in this unit? Any tips would be received with gratitude. Thanks in advance!

8/12/10 9:25am
king ranch area is good. also try around the ice caves

8/22/10 7:47pm
Thanks, bowtechjwar! I have asked about hunting around the Ice Caves and get different and conflicting info. Have you hunted near them? What can you tell me about access and legal proximity to the caves (I know they are family owned, not on public land). I appreciate as much info as you can provide. Thanks, again.

8/28/10 10:25pm
i was hunting with afriend of mine. we saw a lot of good deer around there. we were on public land sw of the caves not far off the main high way.

9/5/10 2:07pm
Thanks again, bowtechjwar. Just got a call from a friend who is hunting elk this week in that unit. He saw the biggest buck in his life at a dirt tank not far from the caves.

12/19/10 4:14pm
My hunt in Unit 13 is coming up in January. Would greatly appreciate any advice that can be offered about this area. Last week while going out for my regular predawn hike here in Albuquerque, a 10 pt muley was following a big doe...right in front of my house on the street...and I do not live in the forest. I live in a neighborhood with plenty of traffic and activity. Don't think I'll be that lucky stepping out of my tent in Unit 13!!

8/21/11 2:49pm
Where exactly are the ice caves? I've lived in NM for 35 years and have hunted 13 a few times. I've never heard of any ice caves? Can you go in and explore them? Is it worth it?