Unit 2b New Mexico
7/18/13 10:17am
Thought I would share my hunting experience from last year with Folks. We drew the 2nd rifle hunt last year. It was hot and tough hunting. We ended up seeing high numbers of deer in the North East corner of the unit, but no mature bucks. We worked south and tried tracking etc. Not much luck. Did a lot of preseason scouting and did find a couple of nice bucks, but after opening morning they disappeared. The most memorable moment of the hunt was when my buddy was hunting a sage flat in the middle eastern part of the unit. Just before dark a white truck came barrelling through the middle of the flat. There were 2 herds of deer with a fork horn in each group. My buddy was Glassing the truck and deer in the same frame. The truck all of a sudden stopped. They guy got out of the truck, beer cans falling all over the place. He started Glassing the sage flat with his rifle scope. Then he unzipped and started taking a leak. He glassed up one of the herds in mid stream. He leveled the rifle on his truck rolled down window, still pissing and shot the fork horn. My buddy was rollling on the ground. The guy couldn't get the deer in his truck, so my buddy went and helped him. He said the guy must have drank a 12 pack. We dealt with a lot of that while hunting. We tried getting away from the roads, put a lot of boot leather down, glassed til we couldn't see. Anyway we put in again this year, but only for the latest rifle hunt. Unbelievably, we drew. So we are hunting 2 years in a row. With a year under our belt and the hunt being a little later, hopefully we will be more successful. Looking to see if anyone has any areas or thoughts to help us out in being a little more successful. My son drew the youth hunt, so that should be a good early season scouting experience and hopefully he'll be successful.
Last year we hunted caracass, so did everyone else. Spent a bit of time around Tucker ridge, cedar springs. Had a boat and packed into areas off the lake. Hunted the southwest area as well tracking etc.
Appreciate any help with this hunt.
Last year we hunted caracass, so did everyone else. Spent a bit of time around Tucker ridge, cedar springs. Had a boat and packed into areas off the lake. Hunted the southwest area as well tracking etc.
Appreciate any help with this hunt.
He is going to hopefully get some warm up on the 2b youth hunt as he has never shot a deer, this will be important. He did knock down a great bull elk when he was ten, so I know he can get it done.
1. I will not be going to Caracass Mesa. Why: Because that is where I believe they send everyone that hasn't hunted to get them out of their areas.
Caracas Mesa positive lots of does and some 2X2's. Negative: Lots of 2X2 type hunters, drinking beer and driving the roads, all and I mean all non-resident that don't have a clue where to hunt and have read that there are lots of 200 inchers on the caracass (which is a joke btw)., Tons of residents that don't have a clue where to hunt. Long drive back in there for small reward.
2. Will not be hunting the East side of the lake or bringing a boat to hunt the East side of the lake. This area appears to be becoming the new Caracass Mesa. Same applies as above. WIth 375-475 tags, funny how nearly all of them end up in these two areas and all misleading posts on the net tend to send everyone to these two areas blows me away. But the posters aren't idiots, I assume they may be guides sending everyone into these areas. Don't get me wrong a blind squirrel does find a nut from time to time, so I am sure occasionally a big one is killed, but not the norm.
3. Will be hunting South of the highway:
Positive: When you find a buck it tends to be big Negative can hunt 2 days with out seeing a deer, so certainly not for everyone.
4. Will hunt the west side of the lake:
Postive: I tend to find more mature bucks here Negative: It is a long drive around via colorado, but no worse than Caracass, and much better reward.
5. Will not be hunting southeast area: May have potential, but I tended to again find smaller stuff, I found a few more residents hunting in the area than other areas, but was difficult to find mature bucks, slightly more hunting pressure and saw more elk than deer (may be pushing deer out?) Some thick areas and open areas. Just my preference, but didn't have a good feel here hunting or scouting and with a five day hunt risk/reward doesn't seem worth spending time here. For someone else, it may be just what there looking for, a few more deer here than other areas south of highway, quality and size is lower though.
Good luck on the hunt guys, Early cold and snow in colorado will hopefully make the hunt a great one.
Good luck to everyone hunting the 26-30th and pray for snow!
Have you hunted 2B before?
Never been there before and those top 3 you have listed were my top 3 "to do". :)
I'm hunting solo and coming by myself from Dallas. For what sounded like a great unit when I was researching right before the draw - it sure does sound like there are a lot of negatives. Especially early in the season.
GOod luck
Good luck to you and your son on the youth hunt this weekend!
I have private land in both the northern sector of the unit (migratory) and the southern sector(resident deer) There are some very big deer in the resident population but total numbers are of course a lot less than up in the migratory path.
Call me at 575-621-6158 an I'll be happy to help you with what I know. We can also discuss access on my ranch if that might interest you.
John Jaquez
San Juan River Outfitters and Livery Co.
200 Rd. 4599
Blanco, NM 87412
website: sjroutfitters.com
Friday day before the hunt: We were scouting so covered a lot of ground looking for tracks. Roads were a mess from the Thursday rain. Nearly lost the truck a couple of times. Could literally only drive on the Rosa and the 310 and the 310 was iffy. Tried going south and turned around for fear of getting stuck. I was forced to check areas I swore I would not go back into but they were only roads with all weather surfaces. The Rosa road saw a few does. Toward evening went up on Caraccass to see if there was any migration happening with all the Colorado snow, basically got stuck so camped in the truck. Glassed the evening located a giant bear, no deer. Deer total for the day: 3 does.
Saturday: Stuck on Caracass (place I did not want to be, but the roads were keeping people out), made the best of it and went out hunting. After glassing known good deer areas. Did not locate one single deer. Glassed extensively, located no deer. Went for a 4 mile hike, located 3 total tracks crossing the road. Roads were drying out, Got unstuck around 2:00 in the afternoon, with no migration started heading off that damned plateau, as we headed south on 310, roads were in better shape and we probably passed 20 trucks making there way up to the caracass, boy were they going to be disappointed. Deer total: 0
Afternoon: Got south of the 64 roads were much improved and drying out fast. Glassed a known area, located total of 25 does for the evening 0 bucks.
My 13 year old boy is beyond frustrated and tells dad, he is lowering his expectations and would just like to see a buck, doesn't care if he kills one. 2 days and few deer, Dads feeling the pressure.
Sunday: We decided to hunt the low country South of the 64, just looking for a buck in traditional locations, Started out early found five does, then for the first time hunting this area in the South we ran into people. 5 different groups to be exact. Very frustrating, so after discussing with a friend and my boy we decided to head for a completely different area of the unit, an area we hadn't spent a lot of time in, but where they had been seeing some deer. Arrived in the new area around 3:00 in the afternoon.
Afternoon: The young boy is real frustrated, but I'm proud he is sticking with it. He is a bit more excited as our friend had killed a buck while guiding his youth hunter in the morning and had bedded two little 2 points. We get to the new area of the unit and start hiking into to a glassing point about a mile away. Light rain going on. We start glassing for a bit and we locate 3 does, I moved position and glassed up a 2 point. I jogged back to my boy and let him know. He came over and we put the spotting scope on him. The buck is off a mesa 1100 yards away. My boy says lets shoot him. Knowing the 2 mile hike back up the mesa that would have to happen, I said lets watch him for a bit and see if he moves closer. About 5 minutes go by and I'm thinking, maybe we should make a move, even though I know how much work its going to be for a 2 point. Its the boys first hunt I tell myself. I am about to give in and head off the mesa, when I notice more deer coming out of the trees, First out is a 3 X4 with a kicker, heavy horned, then another 2 X and then lastly a deep forked typical 4X4. I said take a look at this. That 's when my son got excited. That's when Dad was ready to dump off the Mesa. I told my boy, that we will make a move on him, but these things often don't work out and either way its going to be a long steep hike back. I could see the look in his eyes, he was ready to go. It was 5:30, so we were running out of time. We bailed straight off a steep mesa, got the wind right and made a 20 minute walk around a hill. When we got in position, the bucks were up in a cedar cove and we couldn't visualize them. I was deciding where to go next and here they come around the point feeding. I ranged them at 500 yds, They moved to 486 and were staying put, I got my boy set up with the 6.5 X284, adjusted the turrets, but him on the Eberlestock and said don't shoot unless he is broadside, not moving and the scope is completely still. After 5 minutes, he fires, the buck drops in his tracks. We went over to the buck and he had hit him lungs and heart with a berger 140 grain. A lot of damage. Took some great photos, Scored the buck at 176 inches, what a great first buck. Boned and caped him and 2 hours later made it back to the truck completely exhausted. What a hunt. Beautfil buck. My son can't wait for his AZ strip hunt in November. I told him most guys struggle to kill a buck as big as his, but with his November tag he may have quite a year. Tougher hunt in New Mexico than I thought being so early. Hopefully, the migration starts for you guys on the Early hunts, hadn't happened yet even with all the snow.
Saturday afternoon: with no migration in sight
+1 headed out there tomorrow good luck to you!
We got there friday morning and setup camp we decided that we were going to hunt the west end of the unit sage brush flat areas and the fingers on the lake. Friday after setting up got to the sage brush flats and a gate just started walking looking for sign, walked in a good few miles and absolutely no sign no deer spotted. We then decided to go to plan b went to some fingers by the lake spotted a fork and doe off the road and 10 does by a gas well but the lake fingers had alot of traffic so went back to camp. With all of our spot s not turning up anything away from hunters and or having bucks I really was just forced to pick a random spot and start hiking. Saturday morning did just that got up found a nice spot walked in a few miles and started glassing. Spotted around 40 does and about 5 forkies really liked the area so we focused there all day the evening produced 10-15 does no bucks. Due to work obligations I had to be back on monday so sunday morning was going to be my last chance. Went to the same area and glassed this time only turning up 1 doe. I decided to try another area as we were packing up to leave we got turned around and spotted a shooter buck 170 class 4x4 100 yards away broadside. Unfortunately I just couldnt get set up in time and spooked him ](*,) . The buck went off over the hill into a canyon we got to the top and glassed my dad spotted a wide 3x3 and 2 other bucks but at this time they were starting to bed and we couldn't find them anymore. Hunt over for me if I had more time I'm confident a could have got a buck down. It was super hot the temps were mid 60s in the days and the nights were pretty mild. I would say the migration is in the early stages. Good luck to everyone going out this week!
Feeling bummed at the lack of deer sightings and our failed stalk, and also starting to feel the pressure since it had been 9 years since the last time I shot a deer (a whitetail in Iowa), we decided to move north of the highway and check out the east side of the lake. I really wanted to fill this tag and we had heard that this was a good area to see a lot of deer even if they weren't as large as some other areas. We started glassing along La Jara Canyon and almost immediately spotted a forky and several does along with another deer with a large body that we couldn't identify. We decided to drive over to the other side of the canyon and see if we could get a look at that other deer and maybe fill the tag on the forky if it came to that. I'd never shot a mule deer and I really wanted to get something in the freezer. When we arrived at the spot we started walking in and immediately encountered another hunter walking up from where we spotted those deer. He had just shot at the forky and missed and didn't even see the larger deer bedded higher up the hill so we'll never know what it was. Well, that's public land, I guess, and I really wanted something bigger than a forky anyway so no big deal. We only had an hour of light left so we decided to hike away from the road to a small ridge that just looked "bucky" and didn't have any roads on it. We walked in and immediately heard a snort and jumped a deer that bolted onto a nearby piece of private land so we didn't pursue. We were interested in looking into a small bowl from the ridge top and continued our hike. As we crested the hill we saw two ATVs and two other trucks on a road in the distance and we thought they might blow up the area, but they couldn't see into the bowl from the road and they moved on. When we got to the top we looked over the edge and spotted three mature does. We continued glassing and I spotted several more does and a 4x4 buck! I got pretty excited and we decided that this was a worthy shooter for someone on such a long dry spell. I moved into position and ranged him at 200 yards. I squeezed off the shot and hit him a little back of where I wanted and he ran off bleeding heavily. We moved down the hill and I got a finishing shot from 30 yards and he was down for good. I had finally succeeded at a major goal for me: a public land, DIY muley buck. He's no giant, but I couldn't be happier right now.
Several things about this hunt. One, it really was a circus on the east side of Navajo Lake and everyone was focusing in the roads. At one point we saw six other hunting parties around us in a relatively small area. If you don't like hunting elbow to elbow this area might not be for you. Two, if you are willing to walk away from the roads and hunt hard, I think there are some really good deer to be had east of the lake. Sounds like Long Range had that experience based on the comment above. The numbers are certainly there; we saw 20 deer or so in only a couple of hours of hunting. Finally, south of the highway might be the place to look for a big buck if you are willing to hunt hard and not see much. Based on the sign we saw there are some good deer roaming around in there, albeit in small numbers. If you are willing to eat your tag this might be a place to look. Good luck to anyone hunting the 3rd rifle, and thanks again to all the awesome members who gave info on this hunt!
Good luck, amigo.......hope you let the air out of a good one!