unit 30 elk wy

hello every one first time on this site

I drew unit 30 elk in wy just trying to get some info any help will be great

thank you john
welcome to the forum.

as for the unit you drew, congrats. however i don't know the area, i personaly have never hunted outside of utah for big game. when you get your bull though, make sure you post up some pics of him.

again welcome to the forum.
Hayden 3006, Congrats on a great draw. =D> I haven't hunted unit 30 before but have heard great things about it.

Welcome to Muley Madness. :thumb
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Good draw, less than 2% chance of drawing for a non-res. Call the Rocksprings office G&F, and talk to the Biolgist. they will give you a lot of good info.