Unit 4 Colorado

I have a Buck tag for units 4, 441, 214, and 14 (its northeast of Craig) in Colorado for this year. The dates for the tag are 10/18/08 to 10/26/08. I have only lived in Colorado for two years now and only hunted for elk last year in different area. I have never been up in the area where my tag is, little own hunted up there.

Any one have any suggestions for where I should start my scouting efforts on public land up there???
From what I hear, the deer herd took a great loss this winter. Lots of private land in that country but with some work you should be able to find some deer. Order a Craig BLM map and scout that blm & state land off of hwy 13. Try the National Forest too, Black Mtn, Bears Ears, etc.
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We had a great year last year. I helped a local drag his buck out, and he thanked me by showing me some spots. I shot my buck that night, but couldnt get it. The next morning while I was getting him, my partners tagged out in the same area. We got a 5x4(mine), 2 4x4's and a 3x3. We hunted out of Baggs and drove down.C:\Documents and Settings\W487C2\My Documents\IMGP1654.jpg
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I've hunted a spot below Baggs in Colorado called Serviceberry Mountain. I saw some nice bucks there. I believe it's accessed through a spot called "The Cedars" and it's a public area but borders some private. Elk and antelope too. I believe that most folks pull out thursday or friday and the last few days of the season are best. Good luck.
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Thats whre we hunted, Serviceberry mountain. Opening morning there were 32 trucks at the access point. You couldn't walk 100yds without running into someone. A few nice bucks were taken that day. We shot ours in a different area.
In 2005 we hunted unit 4, at serviceberry mountain there was a guy who had a shooting bench set up with a long range rifle. The guy was about 70-80 years old and had someone with him to go get anything he shot, but he sat there all day glassing and ready to shoot.....from the parking area!

Needless to say, I wasn't comfortable hiking up there knowing a rifle was sighted up my backside.

The Black Mountain and Bears Ears area gets hit real hard. There was usually at least one good buck per mountain for the second rifle season up there but after that you didn't see anything. The lower blm land is better for hunting.
Out of three of us that year we only had one guy tag out with a small 3 point.
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Near the southwest end of the mountain (really looks like a mesa tipped up a bit) there is a crack in the rocks and deer slipped through there all day long, back and forth from the private land to the public land. It's very thick brush on top and I think they liked it there.
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I am from Craig, try the public land at the base of Baker's Peak north of Craig, south of Bagg's, good Buck's low pressure. Not sure what season tag you have, if third season stay low in the sage brush.
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I have a friend that lives north of craig,actually closer to baggs.He said the deer were hit hard last year(early 08) but this year he has saw a ton of fawns.He said the elk did good.He lives close to routt NF.He told me the BLM land was usually better for deer than the NF,but they all get hammered.Lots of private land gets hammered as well.Popular area I guess.Let me know how you do,because I am going to go visit him and give it a shot for myself.Good luck!
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Thank you to everyone that posted info....

Well we went up there in unit 4 last year (2008 Second rifle season)

It was me, my son, and my friend. We had buck tags except for my son who had a doe tag.

I got a shot off and missed on a pretty nice 3x4 buck (man they are hard to hit running!!!)

My friend got a nice 3x3 buck the next day (his first mule deer...ya!!)

We never saw any does close enough for my son to take a shot....

we were on BLM land near Serviceberry Mt. We saw more Pronghorns than anything else

Since me and my son didnt get anything, he and I went up to Sheridan Wy and took four does in three hours on a private ranch....man it was one long drive from Ft. Collins Co but they were the best tasting deer I have ever had...all whitetails on a alphalfa farm mm mmm good!!!!

hoping to go elk hunting up north of Craig this year.... good luck to every one!!!!!