Unit 7 Mule Deer Hunt, any Bucks?
10/22/12 9:35pm
Hello everyone, Im new here to Hunting Arizona mule Deer. I recently hunted unit 7 Archery for deer and did not see many Buck, nor any with any Size. I also have a tag for Gun in november . Im hunting in unit 7 west. Ive read that due to the amount of tags given out in this unit, that the deer population for bigger bucks is very low. I have heard from a few locals out there that there are big bucks around but harder to find. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I plan to hunt different units next year, maybe 8 or 21. Cross my fingers for 12. Thanks Guys.
Have you hunted unit 21 at all? I have a Nov tag in this unit and also having a hard time finding bucks here also.
Hope the info helps.