Unit 711 and 71 in Colorado
4/6/13 2:24pm
Hey fellas,
I know it's early, but we're planning a trip to unit 711 and 71 in Colorado in 2014. I've had some buddies that have been there in the past and said the deer population there is really good. My cousin killed one with a 29"+ spread there about 5 years ago. Anybody have any good, recent, information about those units; particularly 711? I think we're planning to hunt north-northeast of Egnar somehwhere south and southeast of Slick Rock around the Delores River. By the looks of the map it's in the southern ridges of Disappointmen Valley. Anyway, any info on this are would be a great help. It may also be a source of anticipation and/or reluctancy for the next year and a half. Thanks a lot.
I know it's early, but we're planning a trip to unit 711 and 71 in Colorado in 2014. I've had some buddies that have been there in the past and said the deer population there is really good. My cousin killed one with a 29"+ spread there about 5 years ago. Anybody have any good, recent, information about those units; particularly 711? I think we're planning to hunt north-northeast of Egnar somehwhere south and southeast of Slick Rock around the Delores River. By the looks of the map it's in the southern ridges of Disappointmen Valley. Anyway, any info on this are would be a great help. It may also be a source of anticipation and/or reluctancy for the next year and a half. Thanks a lot.
We did consider hunting 70 which is just north of you a couple of years ago which has a more liberal tag allotment than 71. From what I was able to gather deer densities are pretty good and the terrain is not terribly challenging. Beyond that I can't help much. I've always found the Colorado biologists to be helpful and have gotten some decent info out of the Forest Service and BLM as well.
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That said, it is a phenomenal place to hunt big bucks, especially if the mountains get alot of snow. Hunt the ridges and fingers running to Disapointment Creek. Make sure you stay on the right side of the creek, it is the unit boundary. If you have the people, slow deer drives work great.
Earlier season tags, the bucks are still on the mountains. Hunt the quakie thickets.
I'm not sure of the rest of the unit(s), but where I live in 711 the deer population is way down. We didn't have a hard winter, but we sure don't have the deer we have had the past few years. Maybe too many lions?
My opinion is, its not how harsh the winter is, but when the heavy snow falls in the spring that kills off the big bucks. The snow fall late that spring was heavy, and I think it caught the deer midway between the summer and winter range, as evidenced by all the carcasses we found in their normal transition zone. The bigger bucks are already ran ragged from the rut, then when the heavy snow hits at middle elevations, they don't have the fat reserves to survive a heavy snow in the spring migration season.
I normally hit the winter range in disappointment every weekend filming, but after five or six trips last year, I gave up. The deer population overall was in great condition. The only problem was the rut was in full swing and the biggest bucks we seen weren't big enough to even get out the camera gear. I think biggest one we saw down there last winter was maybe 180" four point when usually I won't turn on the camera unless he's that size.
Maybe put in for the fourth season and by the time you get the tag (roughly six years), things will be back to normal. If you have your mind set though, you are looking in the right direction for a good buck. Best of luck :thumb
Also, practice for shots of 250-350 yards. Once you are up on these glassing spots and see a shooter, you likely won't get any closer. If you try to sneak in, the trees are thick enough you'll probably never see him again. Take the first good shot you have! :thumb
As far as hunting goes I probably won't do a whole lot of hiking. I'm not the type to ride around on an ATV to "hunt" them either. I'll probably find a "finger" going down into the valley to sit in. I'm not sure about mule deer but I know whitetail tend to follow the same paths in and out of their feeding and bedding areas. Do Muleys move around at certain times or do they just move around sporatically all day?
As for your other question, yes mulies are very predictiable in thier daily movements. If the rut is on, all bets are off though. You'll see a buck five miles from where you seen him the day before if the hot doe he's after wants to play hard to get. Your stragety of finding a high ridge a wait to see what happens is your best chance of success in my opinion.
I'm pretty sure I know what cemetary you're talking on the hill. If it's the same one, that would be in unit 70, on the north side of the creek. The terrain over there is a lot more open with some real nice high ridges to get on and see into several different drainages. Check out some areial photos. Might look into this unit as a second choice. Just in case.
Send me a PM and I will help you out. My dad and his buddies have been hunting 711 for 26 yrs. I have been hunting this unit for 4 years. Trophy Mule deer and Elk killed every year.
You will draw for 3rd season with 3 points for sure, usually it only takes 1 or 2 points. Our group of 5 drew with only 1 last year.
As far as the hunting, like has already been said it is thick country so try to get up high and glass. We've had some success over the years pushing when we had bigger groups. Alot depends on the weather. If there has been early snow to get them migrating down it can be great, but if it's been dry and warm there isn't alot of movement. I've also seen it get warm the day the season opened and all movement just stop. If that happens, go higher up into the trees.
Glad you aren't a road hunter, there seem to be lots of them up there and I even saw a true Texas porcupine one year. There is usually a fair amount of hunting pressure in the unit too. 4 years ago we had a group from Texas camped below us with 14 guys, but only 5 had tags and the rest were just along for the fun. Well of course when I saw them 2 years later one bragged about the 8 deer they got 2 years earlier.
Looking at the draw results from this year we should draw with one point next year, so I'll be in the area as well.
I got a PM from another member who is hunting up there this year. I gave him some tips and I'm looking forward to hearing how his hunt went. With the cold weather so early this year it probably helped that area quite a bit.
That's great, let me know how they do. I've been thinking the same thing about the early cold weather. Hopefully this will be the pattern for next year. I'm hoping there won't be a too terribly cold winter though; I need those big bucks to hang around for next year.
I'm thinking of trying these units for the bow hunts next year. I live in NM and haven't drawn an elk tag in 6 years. Starting to get a little pissed off about that.
If I read it correctly, 71 and 711 have either sex deer tags if you can draw it and over the counter either sex elk tags. I am a pure bowhunter and am not a trophy hunter by any means. I'll be just fine with a doe and a cow. May even consider a bear tag to make it a safari.
Archery elk tags are either sex for a good number of zones, and are available over the counter.