unit 9 lusk wyoming
JD Rogge
6/27/11 8:41am
I recently drew a tag for unit 9 near Lusk Wyoming, and was wondering if anyone here has hunted that unit in the past and can give me any information about what to expect. I called game and fish back in Febuary asking for info on units with good draw odds, and plenty of goats and this was the direction I was pointed in. There seems to be plenty of walk in access and some state ground from the maps I've seen. This will be my first trip out west, and I'll be getting plenty of range time in before I leave for sure. Thanks for any info.

6/28/11 9:33am
You will be right next door to the unit I drew for, 29. Its my first trip out for lope too. I looked at 9 for a while and it does seem to have quite a bit of walk in access so you should be able to get on some antelope. When are you heading out? Most guys say that if you can hold out til the 2nd week the crowds will die down significantly, and getting off the road will also help as a lot of people don't. Good luck and keep us informed on how you do.

JD Rogge
6/28/11 10:27am
We are gonna go the 1st week, and I'm planning on getting far off the roads. I've never been much of a truck hunter. I looked at 29 but the access scared me away, then I talked to game and fish and they pointed me to 9. Now I'm trying to find some lodging for us, and get some maps. I talked to some guys who hunt 29 and they have had good luck, I hope it goes good for you.

6/30/11 7:27am
there are plenty of areas in those two regions that hold antelope. just dont think you have to shoot the first buck you see. they will be skittish as the people start pushing them from off the roads. you will need some good optics and lay low or put something out that has white on it to draw them in for a closer look (ie decoy) They are curious to bright white but that does not always work. Good luck. If you contact some of the locals you might even get on some private. they hate them up there especially out in their alphalpha

JD Rogge
6/30/11 8:31am
The toughest part that I'm finding about this trip so far is getting lodging. The season is opening the same time as deer season this year and everything in Lusk is looking booked up, a couple places told me to call back in a couple weeks in case of cancellations. The next closest motels I can find are 50 miles away. I didn't reserve anything earlier because I didn't know what unit we would draw, and I didn't want reservations in each area just to have to cancel some of them. I guess I should have, live and learn. Now I just hope we can find a place.

6/30/11 2:28pm
take a tent-- its cheap and costs less too!

JD Rogge
6/30/11 11:30pm
That would be ok with me but the guys I'm going with aren't into the camping thing. I called the Chamber of Commerce and they are sending a list of ranchers that put up hunters. It actually would be closer to stay across the border in NE if I can't find anything in Lusk.

7/10/11 10:58pm
You should have started calling for lodging the morning they drew the tags. Have you looked in nearby Nebraska?

JD Rogge
7/10/11 11:11pm
I don't think it would have mattered much, most had rooms reserved just in case they drew. We did get rooms for the first week at the Rahide, someone didn't draw and cancelled. The scouting report is encouraging, I know someone who is working out there and they are saying there are a lot of goats and some pretty good bucks.

7/12/11 11:37pm
There is some walk in hunting areas and alot of goats the ranchers hate them and most will let hunt as long you kill a few does too.

1/5/12 8:35pm
I'm planning a hunt for the 2012 season and am considering these areas, particularly area 9. Care to share how your hunts went this fall? Did you hunt walkin areas? How was the hunting pressure? Appreciate any assistance! Thanks!

8/18/16 5:38am
Hello Muley Madness members i am getting ready for a trip from Georgia to Wyoming on a deer and Antelope hunt. My son and I have drawn a deer tag for Area B deer and unit 9 Antelope which is around Lusk. It looks like some pretty good walk in areas and public land just North of Lusk and Manville.. Does anyone have any experience with deer in this area. I am pretty confident we can get on Antelope. Really dont want to have to pay a trespass fee. Absolutely any help would be really appreciated..