Unwanted help:

Went to the local range to day and found that there are so many shooting instructors in this town.
I get to the range just after lunch, They are closed from 11:30 to 12:00 for the range guys to have lunch, have about 5 minutes before they are back, go to the range house check in and get assigned position 24, guys on 23, 25, 26, 27 all shooting high power rifles, I assume getting ready for hunting season. I bring out the .243, it is nothing special on the outside, just a plain savage with scope. on the inside, pillared stock, I skim bedded it, barrel is floated and trigger is just right for me. I open the case and unzipping it all the way and lay it on the concrete bench, lay the rifle on top and go back to get all the other stuff.
My ear plugs are flesh tone color and fit inside of my ear (Air Force made them for me) put on my classes and grab a old beatup box that has my shells (Fresh reloads).
As I get ready to shoot, the guy in pos 25 comes over and tells me I need ear plugs to shoot, just ingore him and keep sitting down getting ready, I start to load and guy comes over taps me "did you hear what I said, you need ear plug" I stop look at him (he has nothing to do with the range) and ask him what he wants, you need ear plugs, (i can hear him) I tell me speak up I have ear plugs in, he walks back to his position, As I start again, using the sling to help stabilize, he looks at me and tells me that they have rest that I can use to help me shoot. I just ignore him and keep going fire 3 shots and then step back from the bench. Guy in 26/27 are talking with 25 I go back to the bench and fire 3 more with sling. range master says finish string for break. guy in 25 comes over, says I should use the rest it will help, his buddy is looking though their spotting scope, angle looks like they are looking at my big target (which is empty) I was shooting at the small conor targets, save the big space for later. 25 goes over and looks and makes the comment: He needs to use a rest he did not hit his target at all.
We go down range and I have 3 holes lower left sighter about 1 1/4 group, top left about the same but up vertical (breathing). I tape my target now as they walk past they look, 25 says he is way left needs to adjust his scope. I get back and 23 tells me they have been giving him advice all day. I stop and talk to the range official if I can shoot from between the bench's from the sitting position, I get permission as long as I don't interfere with the other shooters, 23 is packing up. Standing behind the line, 25 comes over and says "I can help you adjust your scope you are shooting way left and you should use the rest. I had enough: I was shooting at the sighter squares and the scope is just fine, he walks away in a huff. Range master clears the line and is standing behind 22 watching that I am ok, Im on the left side of the bench and pick up the rifle then go to a shooting position and start to load, 25 "What are you doing you have to keep your rifle on the bench" Range master walks behind me to my right and tell 25 he is just fine leave him alone. I put 5 shots in the bull 2 cutting the edge of the X ring 3 inside the X ring. put he rifle on the bench and walk behind the line. Range master comes over, we start talking (he is taking load for 25 and his buddies to hear) saying he wishes more people would shoot other than the bench, ask how I do at longer ranges, I go to the bench and ring the 200 3 for 3 and the 300 2 for 3
about this time I look and see 25 is standing on the other side of 27 talking to his friends. He did not offer any more help, I packed up next break and left.

Don't know why he did not try to help me any more
Springville Shooter
Sorry about your bad experience. Polite people wait to be asked before they offer their help. Great shooting though.......best way to shut a jerk up. Done it many times. Hope for better days at the range for you.----------SS
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Good shooting will always shut people up haha. I'm sorry for your bad experience. That can make a fun time very annoying. I like to go to the local range to get sighted in, but sometimes I like just being alone in the hills while taking shots. I hope it's better next time.
"speak up I have ear plugs in"

That is classic, I can't think of a better response than that.
I have had similar experiences at the range and yes it is annoying ](*,)
I had a similar experience at a range here in Salt Lake. My intent in going to the range is to work on MY SHOOTING, not for them to work on my shooting! I keep my nose in my own business and I don't understand why people think my business is theirs.

Another thing I don't understand is why the crappiest shooter on the range (but he always has the "top of the line" gear) is always the one dishing out the unsolicited advice. ](*,) :>/
you showed remarkable restraint.
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I like to ask how much money they would like to lose and I get to pick the game which is offhand at 300 meters at the 8 inch diamonds. Shuts them up every time because the good shooters never bother anyone. Glad you had fun at the range. lol