Unwritten rules????

Just wondering what everyone and there group of friends shed etiquette is. When a large single is picked up and someone else picks the other side, who gets the set? First one to find it, whoever is willing to pay for one side, ya wing it and flip a coin, or ya both get mad at each other and put ur singles on a shelf? What about a buck you have one or more years sets from and someone else picks up the new ones? And what if ya took them to the area? Also what about area or "spots" whats the etiquette there? Is there an etiquette, or do we all just do like the one guy every group of hunters has and make up the unwritten rules to our advantage as we go?
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I know between the people i know the first one to find the shed gets the set and sometimes has to trade another shed or buy it off the other guy. If someone has been winter range patternng, watch'n, and pick'n up sets off a buck they usually end up with the new ones the same way. We all try and respect each others areas but seem to keep get'n burned alot more on that latley. Anyway just a topic i thought might be intersesting to see how others view some things.
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I usually go out with family/friends, however, whenever this happens we just give the other side of the set to whoever wants it more.

For me, the fun part is finding them, I have enough of them laying around the house.
Depends on your friends and who finds the match. Ain't no set of rules. It' pretty much his/hers whoever finds the bone. It's nice if your shed hunting with the type of people who will forfeit a shed to the earlier find that matches. and among friends that is the way it should be. But there are no set rules. Every person for themselves when it comes to hunting sheds. For me however I would give up a match. BUT!! would be expecting the same thing in return. :-k