UPDATE GOTEM! $250 binos,what do you think?
9/2/07 11:34pm
Gonna drop up to 250$ on a pair of 10x binos this week,small enough to wear on a bino system,light,clear,ect.What would you guys recommend?
Talked a family friend into selling me the display pair of leupold 10x 42 cascades for $250,Im really impressed with these binocs,I compared them to the $309 nikons and these had a sharper image for my eyes,they also have a locking adjustment ring built into the center dial so you do not have to turn an eye piece and once you get them focused they lock,no more readjustment every time i pick up my binocs!

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1leupoldbinocs.jpg " alt="" />
Talked a family friend into selling me the display pair of leupold 10x 42 cascades for $250,Im really impressed with these binocs,I compared them to the $309 nikons and these had a sharper image for my eyes,they also have a locking adjustment ring built into the center dial so you do not have to turn an eye piece and once you get them focused they lock,no more readjustment every time i pick up my binocs!

might be worth checking on.
Edit: Oops...Just re-read your question. You asked about 10x binos...mine are the 8x Nikkons. Take the following words with that in mind...
I am no expert, but i have been VERY happy with my Nikkon Monarch binos. I also shoot the Nikkon Buckmaster. I think Nikkon makes some nice glass for the money. They run about $289. Not a bad idea to go with the Cabela's brand though either. Great point about being able to immediately replace them.