UPDATE GOTEM! $250 binos,what do you think?

Gonna drop up to 250$ on a pair of 10x binos this week,small enough to wear on a bino system,light,clear,ect.What would you guys recommend?

Talked a family friend into selling me the display pair of leupold 10x 42 cascades for $250,Im really impressed with these binocs,I compared them to the $309 nikons and these had a sharper image for my eyes,they also have a locking adjustment ring built into the center dial so you do not have to turn an eye piece and once you get them focused they lock,no more readjustment every time i pick up my binocs!
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1leupoldbinocs.jpg" alt="" />
my buddy just bought a pair of cabela brand binos for 250 they are pretty dang nice, and the great thing is that if anything happens to them he said he can take them to the store and they will replace them on the spot.

might be worth checking on.
Edit: Oops...Just re-read your question. You asked about 10x binos...mine are the 8x Nikkons. Take the following words with that in mind...

I am no expert, but i have been VERY happy with my Nikkon Monarch binos. I also shoot the Nikkon Buckmaster. I think Nikkon makes some nice glass for the money. They run about $289. Not a bad idea to go with the Cabela's brand though either. Great point about being able to immediately replace them.

I looked at the Nikons i just cant spend that much,250 is a strech for me right now.We dont have a Cabelas or i would look at them,I need somthin by Sat so i will have to get binos from a local dealer.
Talked a family friend into selling me the display pair of leupold 10x 42 cascades for $250,Im really impressed with these binocs,I compared them to the $309 nikons and these had a sharper image for my eyes,they also have a locking adjustment ring built into the center dial so you do not have to turn an eye piece and once you get them focused they lock,no more readjustment every time i pick up my binocs!
http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/H3RP3S/1leupoldbinocs.jpg" alt="" />
You will have to give us a full review after you have had a chance to put them through their paces.
After several pre dawn archery hunts this last several days I love them,I can pick out elk out in the valley WAY before I could ever before,they gather light and let me practicly see in the dark.They have held their focus and I enjoy using them,by far the best binos i have ever used. :thumb
Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you found some good ones in the price range you were looking in! Sounds like you got a good deal too!