Upgraded my sight

I know its probably not the best time to do this but I just upgraded my sight from an (G5) Optix LE to the Optix XR with .019" pins. The 20, 30 & 40 yard pins are already set up and now all I need to do is dial in the ranges for the floating pin. As I wont shoot anything over 40 yards anyway because of wound ethics its more or less set up for the hunt already. the smaller pins make it easier for me to sight/aim after anchoring and still easy to see in dim light even without the help of a pin light that I got with it.
That's a nice sight...Did they shave the weight off it like they say they did?
Well, it actually seems a little heavier IMO. 6oz (XR model) vs. 5.8oz (LE model) as reported on G5Outdoors website. The LE does have one extra pin but this XR has a knob on the side that you adjust the "smart" (floating) pin with. Plus I got the pin light with it so that adds a little more weight too. Doesnt really make it heavier to the point of effecting my accuracy but I did notice a slight heavier weight with the XR. Overall though, I love the new one and will NOT be changing back. The Optix LE does now come in available .019" pins (Originally .029") and that's one of the reasons I switched (smaller pin diameter, much easier for me to anchor & aim at a target) but I still like the new sight a lot more.

hahahaha, Nice Avatar btw Ike!
Thats a nice sight! I too like smaller pins. my viper has .019's for closer shots, and then steps down to .010's for the longer shots. Amazing how much of the target a .029 pin takes up at 50 plus yards.