
I am not sure if this has been done on here or not, but I thought I would give it a try anyways. some of our usernames are easy to understand. But some arent and I thought it would be cool for everyone to share how they got their usernames or how they came up with them. It could start up some good stories.
Mine is fairly easy to comprehend. Brn2hunt, Came up with it years ago and it stuck. I feel like I was born to be a hunter as it is the thing I love to do most!
Here's my story.
Several years ago, I first used my last name as my user name but then one day I was doing a job for Sigourney Weaver's brother. He told me that she had changed her name because of a street sign she once saw( Sigourney Drive) Her real given name was something like "Mary Jane"? I know it was a more common name. Anyway, one day shortly after that, I saw a street sign called "ridgetop drive" and I thought that Ridgetop would be a cool user name, since that's where you will usually find me glassing for wildlife each summer and fall.
Springville Shooter
Mine is fairly simple. I live in Springville, Ut. and shooting is my thing. While I like to hunt alot, my emphasis has always been on accuracy and marksmanship. While I enjoy precision long-range marksmanship the best, I practice all types of shooting from pistols to shotguns. Turn me loose with a red ryder BB gun and a box of BBs and watch me go for hours.......especially if there are grasshoppers in the back yard. So I live in Springville and live to shoot......Springville Shooter. ------SS
mine is nothing to do with my younger days I played some online role playing games and i would intentionally go into those games to goof off an irritate people...thus
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I like elk hunts that's why mine is elklover.
Well, my name is Brian, and when I was younger,I, was pretty lucky on filling my tags, so some friends stated calling me killer"b", that name was taken, so killerbee, was as close as I can get. I wish I could switch, that was18 years ago, or so, now I'd like to be known as "the guy who beats 9er every year in fantasy football" , but since he's a moderator,I don't think it will work out.............. :-)
Not sure I ought to share mine, but oh well. Given the chance to go back and change it, I suspect I would. My first name is Jeffrey and I was in high school during the well documented cannibal case of Jeffrey Dahmer. My buddies started calling me Dahlmer, which obviously isn't completely accurate, but it stuck. Sorry...kind of morbid.
Well my last name is Grimland but it is pronounced like the movie creatures Gremlin. Gizmo was the main character in the movies and my best friend started to call me Gizmo because I am short ( 5'6) and furry. So Gizmo stuck.
Well, for my username I used a work reference because all the cool hunting names were taken like "Bowhntr" and "Killerbee". I am a Journeyman lineman by trade and tie wire is just that. Wire used to tie in other conductors. It is also a code word we use for a pretty lady that walks by on the job site. lol
Big Moose
I got mine from my Dad. He started calling me Moose when I was a teenager. He got it from the old Archie and Veronica comic books. The character was big and dumb. I guess that's me... lol

Originally I wanted mine to be - killer"B", but that was taken, but mine came from when I was younger and stated killing things, my uncle would call me killer b , for Brian. If I could pick one now I'd go with "ELK COMMANDER" then I would grow a really long beard, quit taking baths, paint my face, and do elk hunting shows on TV :-)
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Since I'm super creative and my name is Jason I just thought JBird would be a good username. Wasn't even my idea really, a kid used to call me it back way back in elementary school.
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Well mine pretty much is what it sounds like a rookie to hunting And found myself to maybe be a little obsessed. Usually for my user names I go with rugger or anything to do with rugby. But it's safe to say I found a new passion :)
I don't really know how I came up with mine. :-k
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I served in the Washington Spokane mission for my church a few years back and a couple of my buddies called themselves the "Waspocrew". I thought it was unique so I went with it.
How I got mine? My dream truck and my daily driver. Has gotten me everywhere I ever wanted to go (even some places I shouldn't have gone) and has never left me stranded." alt="" />
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My buddy Larry from Boise always called me Prunee as in California Prune Picker (a grapes of wrath nickname for Californians)
My last name being Scottich Mac just followed ergo


I now live in Utah but a handle is a handle
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I wanted greatwhitehunter cause that's what my 5th grade teacher called me but I settled on curtisshootsdeer because that's what I do