1/26/13 2:48pm
I am not sure if this has been done on here or not, but I thought I would give it a try anyways. some of our usernames are easy to understand. But some arent and I thought it would be cool for everyone to share how they got their usernames or how they came up with them. It could start up some good stories.
Mine is fairly easy to comprehend. Brn2hunt, Came up with it years ago and it stuck. I feel like I was born to be a hunter as it is the thing I love to do most!
Mine is fairly easy to comprehend. Brn2hunt, Came up with it years ago and it stuck. I feel like I was born to be a hunter as it is the thing I love to do most!
Several years ago, I first used my last name as my user name but then one day I was doing a job for Sigourney Weaver's brother. He told me that she had changed her name because of a street sign she once saw( Sigourney Drive) Her real given name was something like "Mary Jane"? I know it was a more common name. Anyway, one day shortly after that, I saw a street sign called "ridgetop drive" and I thought that Ridgetop would be a cool user name, since that's where you will usually find me glassing for wildlife each summer and fall.
My last name being Scottich Mac just followed ergo
I now live in Utah but a handle is a handle