UT Stud (pics)
5/18/07 7:47am
Here's a buck my buddy photographed in Southern UT last year. What do you guys/gals think......is he a shooter? Now please don't PM me and ask where exactly he photographed him....I'm sworn to secrecy. :) I will tell you he's still alive as far as we know.

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/511/05002.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/511/05011.jpg " alt="" />

http://www.jesseshunting.com/photopost/data/511/sambuck.jpg " alt="" />

I believe I know where the first ones winter range is. :)
He is a SLUG for sure. AMAZING buck! Love the battle wounds and busted tines look in the second picture. VERY COOL!!
Thanks for the photos!
As for the bucks, well if the mood hit me just right I might shoot them, but I'm really holding out for a two point to be honest. (@@)
Great bucks.
definently shooters
Those are great pictures. Thanks for posting them. Even if I saw it I wouldn't be able to shoot because my jaw would be laying on the ground.