Utah - Central Region, could use some help.

Fellow Hunters!

I drew out for Central Utah this year on my general rifle permit. I've hunted the Central Region years ago, but the boundaries have changed quite a bit since then. 12 Mile is no longer in Central, everywhere I knew of before is now part of Southern region.

So, does anyone know any good locations or areas with some good buck populations and not too crowded? Our group isn't really looking for any Trophy Bucks or anything (not that we would pass them up) but a good number of buck/doe ratio would be good. Also, as I mentioned the crowding is getting a bit horrible in Utah. We usually try to find an open area we can make our own little camp at and avoid the national forest campsites and all.

It's still pretty warm this year so far, so I'm worried the deer will still be up in the high elevations, and there's not a lot of high elevation ranges in Central with the exception of behind Midway and up to the West of Strawberry Res. Granted these are generally some of the most overcrowded areas though. I'd prefer to travel down towards Delta/Nephi/Moroni etc if I can find a good area.

Any and all help here would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Dont mean to be the bearer of bad news but there area not many places in utah as a whole that your going to get away from the crowds. And the cental region is probably the worst. And unless your willing to really get off the beaten path your not going to see really good buck to doe ratios. Sorry.
Ya, Central is pretty bad for sure. I'm leaving in the morning for Muzzleloader Central. Got lucky and found some last year, but their was a lot of hunters in the area. I found a herd of 8 to 12 bucks that nobody seems to know about. I hope the big 4's I seen last year made it for me. I had the same dilema last year that you're having. Best of luck to you. Even the old good areas had hard winters 2 years ago. Makes for a challenging tough hunt.