Utah Archery Bear hunting question
2/27/08 5:22pm
I put in for a archery bear permit. Now if I was lucky enough (be quite 9er) to draw that tag. Is it leagal to have a pistol on my side (I do have a concealed weapons permit) for protection. If that bear comes at me after I stick it with an arrow I want something that I can defend my self with.
Do any of you guys have any knowledge on this. I can't find anything in the regs saying that I can't carry a pistol for protection if I have the concealed permit.
Do any of you guys have any knowledge on this. I can't find anything in the regs saying that I can't carry a pistol for protection if I have the concealed permit.
This is what I found in the proclamation, I think the last paragraph my work in your benifit???
(4)(a) A person who has obtained a limited entry bear archery permit may not possess or be in control of a firearm or have a firearm in his camp or motor vehicle during an archery bear hunt.
(b) The provisions of Subsection (a) do not apply to:
(i) a person licensed to hunt upland game or waterfowl, provided the person complies with Rules R657-6 and R657-9 and the Upland Game and Waterfowl guidebooks, respectively, and possesses only legal weapons to take upland game or waterfowl;
(ii) a person licensed to hunt big game species during hunts that coincide with the archery bear hunt;
(iii) livestock owners protecting their livestock; or
(iv) a person licensed to carry a concealed weapon in accordance with Title 53, Chapter 5, Part 7 of the Utah Code, provided the person is not utilizing the concealed firearm to hunt or take protected wildlife.
Guess I better make sure the camera is running so that I have evidence huh?
Another turn on that question, is what if my dad is holding the pistol.
Just wondering.
Make sure you have the camera on! Good luck
I would call the DWR, they can explain it better than the proc.