Utah Archery Hunt
2/22/08 11:44pm
Is there any good general archery season hunts in Utah? Now that I have to purchase a tag to get my pref points, I'm thinking I mine as well drop in for a archery deer or elk hunt. If archery isn't available, maybe a rifle hunt for deer or elk would be ok too.
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info.
there are a few, you just need to be willing to get away from the people!! where ya from and where do you plan on hunting, there are alot of us "utards" on this site, and im pretty sure we have members across the state so youll find help!!!
Yes there are some areas, will require a lot of scouting and lots of hard work though.
Elk on the other hand you can buy a spike or a any bull tag. There are alot of areas you can hunt spike, but you will not be alone. The General Any bull hunt is a lot tougher, not as many areas you can hunt, and in those areas you are going to have to work your _______ off to find the animals. They are few and far between.
Good luck to you, let us know a little bit more of what you plan on doing, and if it is for this year.
As far as areas to hunt, you might have a tough time finding a good general elk location but if you are looking for deer you have a lot of options. If it were me, I would stick to the Wasatch extended area south of I-80. This area has been archery only for several years now and is in my opinion one of the best mule deer locations in the west. The only problem is it gets quite a bit of pressure in the easily accessible areas. The best thing to do is to look for an obscure place to get away from the crowds. The hunt opens towards the end of August and goes to the end of November.