Utah Big Game CC Charges Are Hitting

I just checked my bank account.. I have a $80 charge for my buck/bull combo permit..
Hopefully my moose charge will hit later today :)

Good luck guys
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Me too, Pauns Muzzleloader Elk should be interesting.
looks like my 12 year old gets to pack a rifle with me this year on the general. :thumb
Got my account hit for mine and my dads general deer tags today. :thumb
My son and I both drew general deer.

I know its a shot in the dark but, do all charges hit at the same time or could elk, moose charges hit at a later date. I'm freakin frustrated that I cant draw. ](*,)
Im not sure.. I would keep checking it all week.
I heard that the charges will go on for about a week but you will only get charged once if you draw for mulitple.. Just hear say ..
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Yep. we got our archery permits. :thumb
My best friend put in for her first year for Wasatch bull.. She Drew.. Lucky girl!!

But the kicker.. Shes going to be 9 months pregnant during her hunt.. I dont know wether to laugh or feel terrible .. Guess we will be road hunting the majority of the time..
What a awesome opportunity but very bad timing lol
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Here in Colorado they do the draw different. They charge your card prior to the draw, then if you do not draw the send you a refund check. It may seem bass ackwards but you can also specify selection for a secondary choice of an unlimited license area.

Good luck on your draws we won't if we drew until june or july.
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:My best friend put in for her first year for Wasatch bull.. She Drew.. Lucky girl!!

But the kicker.. Shes going to be 9 months pregnant during her hunt.. I dont know wether to laugh or feel terrible .. Guess we will be road hunting the majority of the time..
What a awesome opportunity but very bad timing lol
Maybe she needs to have labor induced early! Boy, I'd be doing anything necessary to get out there with that tag in hand!