Utah Big Game Numbers 2015

What's your thoughts on this guys? I'm NOT for the increase in General Buck tags. Just when things are starting to show signs of improvement and after years and decades of decline...they immediately increase tag numbers...not something I'm a fan of. The details will be out next week, I'd also like these numbers to be released prior to the application process. So I say move the application dates back, because clearly they can't get these numbers in time for application periods...so move the app dates back and have a shorter periods to find our results. 10sign:
mapleton archer
In today's news:

Tag recommendation draft is out.
one hunting fool
not a fan of increased numbers either. I have never liked the buck to doe ratio anyway. it should be Mature buck to doe ratio. we had a great increase in fawn mortality the last 2 years give them a chance to grow before increasing the tag numbers.
As for changing the application date that is the best idea they have had yet.
Tag recommendation draft is out.
http://wildlife.utah.gov/public_meeting ... packet.pdf
Thanks for the link.
Couple of things I was really interested in myself...how many of these late season Muzzy tags they would give out? And how many Multi Season tags for Pauns. So it looks like 4 tags for the pauns, which I like...it's pretty much a once in a lifetime tag anyway so why not get to enjoy it for a few peeps each year. On the Zion 10 late tags, 8 for the Pine Valley Unit. I despise these tags, and don't like them at all. :) I just don't like the idea of killing these big bucks in the rut or pre-rut...bugs me. And the big boys are sure hard to find until the rut happens. I'm hoping the rut hasn't kicked in and the big boys show up after the hunts over. Sorry that's how I feel, just don't like this hunt.
Yeah they always seem to come up with some kind of screwy idea that doesn't make any sense.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:
Tag recommendation draft is out.
http://wildlife.utah.gov/public_meeting ... packet.pdf
Thanks for the link.
Couple of things I was really interested in myself...how many of these late season Muzzy tags they would give out? And how many Multi Season tags for Pauns. So it looks like 4 tags for the pauns, which I like...it's pretty much a once in a lifetime tag anyway so why not get to enjoy it for a few peeps each year. On the Zion 10 late tags, 8 for the Pine Valley Unit. I despise these tags, and don't like them at all. :) I just don't like the idea of killing these big bucks in the rut or pre-rut...bugs me. And the big boys are sure hard to find until the rut happens. I'm hoping the rut hasn't kicked in and the big boys show up after the hunts over. Sorry that's how I feel, just don't like this hunt.
I love these new LE tags. It should help out on the point creep a little. I don't think these new tags will do anything to affect the quality of bucks on the units with these new hunts.
I love these new LE tags. It should help out on the point creep a little. I don't think these new tags will do anything to affect the quality of bucks on the units with these new hunts.
I respect your opinion, your one of the great guys out there IMO. I however feel this will do very little to nothing on point creep. The difference to me will insignificant at best. The overall quantity of bucks it won't have much affect on, it's the quality that I do believe it has the potential to hurt...time will tell and see.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:
I love these new LE tags. It should help out on the point creep a little. I don't think these new tags will do anything to affect the quality of bucks on the units with these new hunts.
I respect your opinion, your one of the great guys out there IMO. I however feel this will do very little to nothing on point creep. The difference to me will insignificant at best. The overall quantity of bucks it won't have much affect on, it's the quality that I do believe it has the potential to hurt...time will tell and see.
Well. I may be wishful thinking but I do think it is more opportunity for those who can't get deep into the backcountry or have access to private ground. Many of these units, except for Pine Valley, have a lot of private property but in late Oct./early Nov., a lot of bucks will move off the private and onto public. Giving the average joe a chance to hunt bucks that normally he wouldn't.
That's my take anyway.
It's the PV unit I'm most worried about, I've seen it decline to pathetic and back. Bring on the 5 day Rifle hunt back. :)
"MuleyMadness" wrote:http://wildlife.utah.gov/wildlife-news/1619-more-deer-hunting-permits-possible.html
What's your thoughts on this guys? I'm NOT for the increase in General Buck tags. Just when things are starting to show signs of improvement and after years and decades of decline...they immediately increase tag numbers...not something I'm a fan of. The details will be out next week, I'd also like these numbers to be released prior to the application process. So I say move the application dates back, because clearly they can't get these numbers in time for application periods...so move the app dates back and have a shorter periods to find our results. 10sign:
I have to disagree with you Brett. I'm glad to see the increase (or more accurately the return) of tags. I don't think the herd improvements are directly correlated to the decrease in tags or the shortened seasons. I think we have just been blessed with some very beneficial weather patterns for a few years now. This trend started well before those policies were put in place.
I have to disagree with you Brett. I'm glad to see the increase (or more accurately the return) of tags. I don't think the herd improvements are directly correlated to the decrease in tags or the shortened seasons. I think we have just been blessed with some very beneficial weather patterns for a few years now. This trend started well before those policies were put in place.
I'm fine with you disagreeing with me. :) But I believe the exact opposite of the trend started well before those policies were in place, I can guarantee you the 5 day hunt did wonders for the Pine Valley Unit (the one closest to me). It was dismal and pathetic and it absolutely helped the deer numbers (bucks) herd out. But I completely agree that the weather for the past few years had been a huge plus and help also. 10sign:
I wonder if antler restrictions would be the way to go in states with decreasing populations of deer...? In Texas, the wildlife department started requiring antler restrictions on harvesting bucks. Bucks started living longer, breeding more, and in general produced better deer. Now, there are some restrictions that I think are bogus in some cases, but for the most part, it's definitely helped the quantity and quality of the deer here. Before, we had every Joe and Harry killing numerous young bucks every season. Essentially, they were killing of potentially nice bucks. I recently took a young deer in CO, but it's not something I will repeat in the future. Rather than increasing or reducing tags, why not just set restrictions on antler size? This way more bucks live longer, breed more. I realize that just creates more hunters hunting a smaller group of deer, but it seems like a decreasing deer population is already creating this situation...