Utah deer
12/28/07 10:34am
Here's the situation: My dad has quite a few preference points for deer in Utah, but he wants to use them this year so that he can apply for preference points for elk with me. Having never hunted Utah before, he has no clue on where to apply. I suggested the Book Cliffs, but I've never hunted there either. Since a lot of you on here call Utah home, where's a solid spot for deer in Utah? I know it can be hit and miss. Any help would be awesome.
Henries is the best tag in the state, HORRIBLE odds.
Paunsaugunt next best IMO.
Best of luck, Book Cliffs has lots of deer and some nice bucks.
preference points only apply to general deer hunts
bonus points apply to LE hunts such as book cliffs or the pauns
did all 3 of your buddies draw tags last year???