Utah Deer and Elk

I was wondering my father and I have been putting in for points in Utah for the last three years and I was wondering what your guys input is for what area would be the best to save up for. For deer we would be looking for a buck over the 170" mark and elk we would be looking for something over the 330" mark. Any advice would be greatly appreciated and in turn if you have any questions about NV units I can do my best to tell you what I know. Thanks
Most Elk units if not all have bulls that caliber, shouldn't be to tough IMO. General area for Elk would be tougher, but the limited entry units have great bulls.

The 170 buck might be a bit more of a challenge. You talking General tags or Limited Entry tags?
The Ox
elk pretty much any limited entry unit will produce 330+ . go to the utah dwr site and dig thru you will find success rates of hunts and also draw odds.
and also id steer clear of oak creek personally,you a can kill a big bull but very tough.
for deer 170+, paunsaugaunt and henrys are the best bet but take long to draw!!!
i wouldnt just put in for points its possible to draw anytime. i drew moose last year with 1 pt and elk this year with 4 so you never know
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Yep most any LE elk unit holds that caliber of bulls. For deer the Henrys, Paunsagant, or maybe the Book Cliffs.
+1 to Ox and JBird! I think the Paunsagaunt is better than the bookies for the deer and if I remember correctly tougher to get.
If you don't have a specific unit you want to hunt elk in I would find out which LE unit you could draw with the fewest points. For deer the The Henrys and Paunsagaunt are tops but it will take most of your life to draw. The Book Cliffs and Vernon unit produce good bucks.