Utah Diamond Mountain Limited Entry Rifle Oct 21st Hunt

Anyone out there hunt the Vernal, Utah Diamond Mountian Limited Entry Deer? Any pics from deer shot over the past few years? I drew out this year for rifle deer and was wondeirng if there is anyone on this site that can give me a few pointers. I used to hunt the area when I was a kid, before it became limited entry any advice or information would really help.

Kaibab, welcome to Muleymadness! Sorry, can't help ya as far as your request goes but I'm sure there are folks on here that can. I just wanted to say welcome and I look forward to your posts.

GOOD LUCK on the hunt and please, post pics!
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AGCHAWK, thanks for the welcome. Look forward to the advice of this site and hope to provide some help to others myself. Good hunting, post pics up there in Washington. I was born in Spokane.
sorry Rob im from vernal but never hunt Diamond Mt. but from what I hear the south slope has had quite a few big deer took up there. by the way welcome to the site